CircleCI Server v2.16 What's New

Last updated

WARNING: CircleCI Server version 2.x is no longer a supported release. Please consult your account team for help in upgrading to a supported release.

This document provides a summary of features and product notes for the release of CircleCI server v2.16.

What’s new in release 2.16

  • We are excited to announce that you can now distribute your data and workload external to the Services Machine. The following services can be externalized; MongoDB, Redis, Nomad Server, RabbitMQ, Postgres and Vault. Contact your CSM for the latest documentation.

  • Custom Metrics can now be accomplished via a Telegraf Output Configuration File. See the Monitoring chapter of the Operations Guide.

  • Users can now receive email notifications about Workflows.

  • The PostgreSQL image has been updated to allow modifying the default configuration by creating the following file: /etc/circleconfig/postgres/extra.conf A list of configuration options can be found here.

  • PDF installation and operations documentation:

    • CircleCI v2.16 Installation Guide
    • CircleCI v2.16 Operations Guide

Fixed in release 2.16

  • Fix for an issue with Contexts that would break after 32 days.

  • Vault auth tokens will now renew periodically to prevent expiration.

  • Fix for an issue where workflow listing pages would intermittently fail to render.

  • We have fixed a small number of bugs affecting processing incoming web hooks from GitHub to CircleCI.

  • For installs that are using an HTTP or HTTPS proxy, the jobs will now ignore that proxy so that setup_remote_docker works.

  • Reduced the number of connections 1.0 builders make to the PostgreSQL database.

  • Security fixes for potential cross-site scripting vulnerability and HTTP header injection vulnerability

  • Forked PRs can no longer write the caches of parent projects by default for security reasons. It is possible to still write parent project caches from the fork if the “Pass secrets to builds from forked pull requests” (in Advanced settings) is enabled.

Updated in release 2.16

  • Removed EOL banner on build emails.

  • VM Service stability improvements.

  • Improved metrics for VM provisioning for machine executor. This changed metric names, so if you are monitoring VM provisioning in your install already, you will need to reconfigure the monitoring dashboards for the following new metrics:
    • vm-service.gauges.available-vms and vm-service.gauges.running-vms is replaced by vm-service.gauges.vms_by_status
    • vm-service.gauges.running-tasks is replaced by vm-service.gauges.tasks_by_status
    • vm-service.gauges.oldest-unassigned-task is replaced by vm-service.gauges.unassigned_tasks_age
  • Replicated was updated to version 2.29.0 in this release which requires Docker 17.12.1. Follow the instructions below before upgrading to CircleCI v2.16.

Prequisites for updating Replicated

  • Your installation is Ubuntu 14.04-based
  • You are running replicated version 2.10.3 on your services machine
    • replicated --version
  • Your installation is not airgapped and you can access the internet from it
  • All steps are completed on the Services machine


Before performing a replicated version update, backup your data using the Backup section of the CircleCI v2.16 Operations Guide.

  • Stop the CircleCI application with
    replicatedctl app stop

Application shutdown takes a few minutes. Please check the administration dashboard, and wait for the status to become “Stopped” before continuing. You can also run the following command to view the app status:

    replicatedctl app status inspect

Example Output:

        "AppID": "edd9471be0bc4ea04dfca94718ddf621",
        "Sequence": 2439,
        "State": "stopped",
        "DesiredState": "stopped",
        "Error": "",
        "IsCancellable": false,
        "IsTransitioning": false,
        "LastModifiedAt": "2018-10-23T22:00:21.314987894Z"
  • For the replicated update to succeed, it’s necessary to update docker to the recommended version, 17.12.1:
    sudo apt-get install docker-ce=17.12.1~ce-0~ubuntu
  • Pin the Docker version using the following command:
    sudo apt-mark hold docker-ce


Perform the Replicated update by executing the update script as follows:

    curl -sSL "" | sudo bash

Double-check your replicated and docker versions:

    replicatedctl version    # 2.29.0
    docker -v                # 17.12.1

Restart the app with

    replicatedctl app start

The application will take a few minutes to spin up. You can check the progress in the administration dashboard or by executing;

    replicatedctl app status inspect

Example output:

        "AppID": "edd9471be0bc4ea04dfca94718ddf621",
        "Sequence": 2439,
        "State": "started",
        "DesiredState": "started",
        "Error": "",
        "IsCancellable": true,
        "IsTransitioning": true,
        "LastModifiedAt": "2018-10-23T22:04:05.00374451Z"

Help make this document better

This guide, as well as the rest of our docs, are open source and available on GitHub. We welcome your contributions.

Need support?

Our support engineers are available to help with service issues, billing, or account related questions, and can help troubleshoot build configurations. Contact our support engineers by opening a ticket.

You can also visit our support site to find support articles, community forums, and training resources.