
CircleCI V1 API Overview

The CircleCI API is a full-featured RESTful API that allows you to access all information and trigger all actions in CircleCI. RESTful APIs enable you to call individual API endpoints to perform the following actions:

Rate Limiting

The CircleCI API is protected by a number of rate limiting measures to ensure the stability of the system. We reserve the right to throttle the requests made by an individual user, or the requests made to individual resources in order to ensure a fair level of service to all of our users.

As the author of an API integration with CircleCI, your integration should expect to be throttled, and should be able to gracefully handle failure. There are different protections and limits in place for different parts of the API. In particular, we protect our API against sudden large bursts of traffic, and we protect against sustained high volumes of requests, for example, frequent polling.

For HTTP APIs, when a request is throttled, you will receive HTTP status code 429. If your integration requires that a throttled request is completed, then you should retry these requests after a delay, using an exponential backoff. In most cases, the HTTP 429 response code will be accompanied by the Retry-After HTTP header. When this header is present, your integration should wait for the period of time specified by the header value before retrying a request.

API Syntax

When making an API request, make sure you follow standard REST API syntax and formatting. Adhering to proper REST API syntax ensures that the API server can properly process your request and return a JSON response. To make a request to the CircleCI API, use the format shown in the pane to the right:




The CircleCI API utilizes token-based authentication to manage access to the API server and validate that a user has permission to make API requests. Before you can make an API request, you must first add an API token and then verify that you are authenticated by the API server to make requests. The process to add an API token and have the API server authenticate you is described in the sections below.

Note You may use the API token as the username for HTTP Basic Authentication, by passing the -u flag to the curl command.

Add an API Token

$ curl -H "Circle-Token: <circle-token>"
  "user_key_fingerprint" : null,
  "days_left_in_trial" : -238,
  "plan" : "p16",
  "trial_end" : "2011-12-28T22:02:15Z",
  "basic_email_prefs" : "smart",
  "admin" : true,
  "login" : "pbiggar"

To add an API token, perform the steps listed below.

  1. Add an API token from your account dashboard.
  2. To test it, View it in your browser or call the API using
  3. You should see a response similar to the example shown in the right pane.

Get Authenticated

curl -H "Circle-Token: <circle-token>" ""
curl -u <circle-token>: ""
curl "<circle-token>"

You can add the API token using your account dashboard.

To be authenticated by the API server, use this as the value of the Circle-Token header:

Or you can use the API token as the username for HTTP Basic Authentication, by passing the -u flag to the curl command:

DEPRECATED (this option will be removed in the future): The API token can be added to the circle-token query param:

Version Control Systems (:vcs-type)


New with v1.1 of the API, for endpoints under /project you will now need to tell CircleCI what version control system type your project uses. You may currently select either ‘github’ or ‘bitbucket’. The command for recent builds for a project would be formatted like the example shown in the right pane.


If you have a Free / Open Source Software (F/OSS) project, and have the setting turned on in Advanced Settings in your project dashboard, some read-only /project endpoints will return the requested data without the need for a token. People will also be able to view the build results dashboard for the project as well.

List Ordering


There are two API endpoints where the list order is significant:

In both cases, builds are returned in the order that they were created. For all other endpoints, the order has no special significance.

Accept Header

curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Circle-Token: <circle-token>"

If no accept header is specified (or it is empty), CircleCI will return the data in a Clojure EDN format. To receive the data as nicely formatted JSON, include any value for the Accept header (e.g text/plain). If you prefer to receive compact JSON with no whitespace or comments, use application/json as the Accept header.

Cache-Control Header

Some CircleCI APIs may emit a Cache-Control header to indicate that the response may be cached for a period of time. This feature can be used to avoid unnecessary re-fetching of data that will not change. If you plan to make a large volume of API requests you are strongly encouraged to make use of this header in order to improve your performance and lower your risk of being rate limited.

Getting Started

CircleCI 1.0 and 2.0 are supported by API version 1.1 as documented in the following sections:

Summary of API Endpoints

All CircleCI API endpoints begin with

GET Requests

API Description
/me Provides information about the signed in user.
/projects Lists all projects you are following on CircleCI, with build information organized by branch.
/project/:vcs-type/:username/:project Returns a build summary for each of the last 30 builds for a single git repo.
/recent-builds Returns a build summary for each of the last 30 recent builds, ordered by build_num.
/project/:vcs-type/:username/:project/:build_num Returns full details for a single build. The response includes all of the fields from the build summary. This is also the payload for the notification webhooks, in which case this object is the value to a key named ‘payload’.
/project/:vcs-type/:username/:project/:build_num/artifacts Lists the artifacts produced by a given build.
/project/:vcs-type/:username/:project/checkout-key/:fingerprint Retrieves a checkout key.

POST Requests

API Description
/project/:vcs-type/:username/:project/follow Follow a new project on CircleCI.
/project/:vcs-type/:org_name/:project/:build_num/retry Retries the build, returns a summary of the new build.
/project/:vcs-type/:username/:project/:build_num/cancel Cancels the build, returns a summary of the build.
/project/:vcs-type/:username/:project/:build_num/ssh-users Adds a user to the build's SSH permissions.
/project/:vcs-type/:username/:project/tree/:branch Triggers a new build, returns a summary of the build. Optional build parameters can be set.
/project/:vcs-type/:username/:project/ssh-key Creates an ssh key used to access external systems that require SSH key-based authentication.
/project/:vcs-type/:username/:project/checkout-key Creates a new checkout key.

DELETE Requests

API Description
/project/:vcs-type/:username/:project/checkout-key/:fingerprint Deletes a checkout key.
/project/:vcs-type/:username/:project/ssh-key Delete the SSH key from a project.


curl -H "Circle-Token: <circle-token>"
  "basic_email_prefs" : "smart", // can be "smart", "none" or "all"
  "login" : "pbiggar" // your github username

GET Request: Provides information about the user that is currently signed in.


If you would like to retrieve detailed information about projects, CircleCI provides several different endpoints that you may call to return this information, including the ability to return detailed information for all projects. To ensure you do not encounter any performance-related lags or issues when making an API request, you may wish to limit your search for a single project instead of an array of projects.

The sections below describe the endpoints you may call to return Project information.

Get All Followed Projects

curl -H "Circle-Token: <circle-token>"
[ {
  "vcs_url": "",
  "followed": true, // true if you follow this project in CircleCI
  "username": "circleci",
  "reponame": "mongofinil",
  "branches" : {
    "master" : {
      "pusher_logins" : [ "pbiggar", "arohner" ], // users who have pushed
      "last_non_success" : { // last failed build on this branch
        "pushed_at" : "2013-02-12T21:33:14Z",
        "vcs_revision" : "1d231626ba1d2838e599c5c598d28e2306ad4e48",
        "build_num" : 22,
        "outcome" : "failed",
      "last_success" : { // last successful build on this branch
        "pushed_at" : "2012-08-09T03:59:53Z",
        "vcs_revision" : "384211bbe72b2a22997116a78788117b3922d570",
        "build_num" : 15,
        "outcome" : "success",
      "recent_builds" : [ { // last 5 builds, ordered by pushed_at (decreasing)
        "pushed_at" : "2013-02-12T21:33:14Z",
        "vcs_revision" : "1d231626ba1d2838e599c5c598d28e2306ad4e48",
        "build_num" : 22,
        "outcome" : "failed",
        }, {
        "pushed_at" : "2013-02-11T03:09:54Z",
        "vcs_revision" : "0553ba86b35a97e22ead78b0d568f6a7c79b838d",
        "build_num" : 21,
        "outcome" : "failed",
        }, ... ],
      "running_builds" : [ ] // currently running builds
}, ... ]

GET request.

Returns an array of all projects you are currently following on CircleCI, with build information organized by branch.

Follow a New Project on CircleCI

curl -X POST -H "Circle-Token: <circle-token>"
  "followed" : true,
  "first_build" : {
    "compare" : null,
    "previous_successful_build" : null,
    "build_parameters" : null,
    "oss" : true,
    "committer_date" : null,
    "body" : null,
    "usage_queued_at" : "2016-09-07T13:48:10.825Z",
    "fail_reason" : null,
    "retry_of" : null,
    "reponame" : "testing-circleci",
    "ssh_users" : [ ],
    "build_url" : "",
    "parallel" : 1,
    "failed" : null,
    "branch" : "master",
    "username" : "circleci",
    "author_date" : null,
    "why" : "first-build",
    "user" : {
      "is_user" : true,
      "login" : "circleci",
      "avatar_url" : "",
      "name" : "CircleCI",
      "vcs_type" : "github",
      "id" : 10101010
    "vcs_revision" : "b2b5def65bf54091dde02ebb39ef3c54de3ff049",
    "vcs_tag" : null,
    "build_num" : 1,
    "infrastructure_fail" : false,
    "committer_email" : null,
    "previous" : null,
    "status" : "not_running",
    "committer_name" : null,
    "retries" : null,
    "subject" : null,
    "vcs_type" : "github",
    "timedout" : false,
    "dont_build" : null,
    "lifecycle" : "not_running",
    "no_dependency_cache" : false,
    "stop_time" : null,
    "ssh_disabled" : false,
    "build_time_millis" : null,
    "circle_yml" : null,
    "messages" : [ ],
    "is_first_green_build" : false,
    "job_name" : null,
    "start_time" : null,
    "canceler" : null,
    "outcome" : null,
    "vcs_url" : "",
    "author_name" : null,
    "node" : null,
    "canceled" : false,
    "author_email" : null

Request Type: POST

Follows a new project. CircleCI will then monitor the project for automatic building of commits.

Recent Builds Across All Projects

[ {
  "vcs_url" : "",
  "build_url" : "",
  "build_num" : 22,
  "branch" : "master",
  "vcs_revision" : "1d231626ba1d2838e599c5c598d28e2306ad4e48",
  "committer_name" : "Allen Rohner",
  "committer_email" : "",
  "subject" : "Don't explode when the system clock shifts backwards",
  "body" : "", // commit message body
  "why" : "github", // short string explaining the reason we built
  "dont_build" : null, // reason why we didn't build, if we didn't build
  "queued_at" : "2013-02-12T21:33:30Z" // time build was queued
  "start_time" : "2013-02-12T21:33:38Z", // time build started
  "stop_time" : "2013-02-12T21:34:01Z", // time build finished
  "build_time_millis" : 23505,
  "username" : "circleci",
  "reponame" : "mongofinil",
  "lifecycle" : "finished", // :queued, :not_run, :not_running, :running or :finished
  "outcome" : "failed", // :canceled, :infrastructure_fail, :timedout, :failed, :no_tests or :success
  "status" : "failed", // :retried, :canceled, :infrastructure_fail, :timedout, :not_run, :running, :failed, :queued, :not_running, :no_tests, :fixed, :success
  "retry_of" : null, // build_num of the build this is a retry of
  "previous" : { // previous build
    "status" : "failed",
    "build_num" : 21
  }, ... ]

Request Type: GET

Returns a build summary for each of the last 30 recent builds, ordered by build_num.

Parameter Description
limit The number of builds to return. Maximum 100, defaults to 30.
offset The API returns builds starting from this offset, defaults to 0.
shallow An optional boolean parameter that may be sent to improve performance if set to 'true'.

Note: When making an API request for Project information, you may experience performance lag and a decrease in overall performance while the request is being processed by the server. To improve performance, CircleCI recommends you pass the shallow parameter in your request.

Recent Builds For A Single Project

curl -H "Circle-Token: <circle-token>"

Note: You can narrow the builds to a single branch by appending /tree/:branch to the url. Note that the branch name should be url-encoded.


[ {
  "vcs_url" : "",
  "build_url" : "",
  "build_num" : 22,
  "branch" : "master",
  "vcs_revision" : "1d231626ba1d2838e599c5c598d28e2306ad4e48",
  "committer_name" : "Allen Rohner",
  "committer_email" : "",
  "subject" : "Don't explode when the system clock shifts backwards",
  "body" : "", // commit message body
  "why" : "github", // short string explaining the reason we built
  "dont_build" : null, // reason why we didn't build, if we didn't build
  "queued_at" : "2013-02-12T21:33:30Z" // time build was queued
  "start_time" : "2013-02-12T21:33:38Z", // time build started running
  "stop_time" : "2013-02-12T21:34:01Z", // time build finished running
  "build_time_millis" : 23505,
  "username" : "circleci",
  "reponame" : "mongofinil",
  "lifecycle" : "finished", // :queued, :not_run, :not_running, :running or :finished
  "outcome" : "failed", // :canceled, :infrastructure_fail, :timedout, :failed, :no_tests or :success
  "status" : "failed", // :retried, :canceled, :infrastructure_fail, :timedout, :not_run, :running, :failed, :queued, :not_running, :no_tests, :fixed, :success
  "retry_of" : null, // build_num of the build this is a retry of
  "previous" : { // previous build
    "status" : "failed",
    "build_num" : 21
  }, ... ]

GET Request: Returns a build summary for each of the last 30 builds for a single git repo, ordered by build_num.

Parameter Description
limit The number of builds to return. Maximum 100, defaults to 30.
offset The API returns builds starting from this offset, defaults to 0.
filter Restricts which builds are returned. Set to "completed", "successful", "failed", "running", or defaults to no filter.
shallow An optional boolean value that may be sent to improve overall performance if set to 'true.'

Improving Performance In Recent Build Requests Using the Shallow Parameter

When making API requests for information about recent builds, you may experience performance lag and a decrease in overall performance while the request is being processed by the server. To improve performance, CircleCI recommends you pass the shallow parameter in your request.

The example to the right shows a user request for recent build information. Notice that when the user passes the shallow parameter, a limited set of information is returned, thereby improving response time and minimizing performance lag.

Sample Request Using the Shallow Parameter

    "committer_date": "2019-04-12T10:44:51-07:00",
    "body": "",
    "usage_queued_at": "2019-04-12T17:46:11.229Z",
    "reponame": "",
    "build_url": "",
    "parallel": 1,
    "branch": "ja-homepage",
    "username": "circleci",
    "author_date": "2019-04-12T10:44:51-07:00",
    "why": "github",
    "user": {
        "is_user": true,
        "login": "trevor-circleci",
        "avatar_url": "",
        "name": null,
        "vcs_type": "github",
        "id": 22457684
    "vcs_revision": "8139060f4d1f6ff617ac49f8afb2273c4fee2343",
    "workflows": {
        "job_name": "build-preview",
        "job_id": "981f2bfa-3c50-4505-865d-5266670217eb",
        "workflow_id": "a063aeae-5b89-458b-8aa1-cca4c565b07d",
        "workspace_id": "a063aeae-5b89-458b-8aa1-cca4c565b07d",
        "upstream_job_ids": ["7e92fbf5-8111-430b-8e2a-54b169ba745d"],
        "upstream_concurrency_map": {},
        "workflow_name": "build-website"
    "vcs_tag": null,
    "pull_requests": [{
        "head_sha": "8139060f4d1f6ff617ac49f8afb2273c4fee2343",
        "url": ""
    "build_num": 16315,
    "committer_email": "",
    "status": "success",
    "committer_name": "Trevor Sorel",
    "subject": "adding japanese translations for main nav",
    "dont_build": null,
    "lifecycle": "finished",
    "fleet": "picard",
    "stop_time": "2019-04-12T17:47:42.298Z",
    "build_time_millis": 89366,
    "start_time": "2019-04-12T17:46:12.932Z",
    "platform": "2.0",
    "outcome": "success",
    "vcs_url": "",
    "author_name": "Trevor Sorel",
    "queued_at": "2019-04-12T17:46:11.289Z",
    "author_email": ""

Builds and Jobs

Single Job

curl -H "Circle-Token: <circle-token>"
  "vcs_url" : "",
  "build_url" : "",
  "build_num" : 22,
  "branch" : "master",
  "vcs_revision" : "1d231626ba1d2838e599c5c598d28e2306ad4e48",
  "committer_name" : "Allen Rohner",
  "committer_email" : "",
  "subject" : "Don't explode when the system clock shifts backwards",
  "body" : "", // commit message body
  "why" : "github", // short string explaining the reason the build ran
  "dont_build" : null, // reason why we didn't build, if we didn't build
  "queued_at" : "2013-02-12T21:33:30Z" // time build was queued
  "start_time" : "2013-02-12T21:33:38Z", // time build started
  "stop_time" : "2013-02-12T21:34:01Z", // time build finished
  "build_time_millis" : 23505,
  "username" : "circleci",
  "reponame" : "mongofinil",
  "lifecycle" : "finished", // :queued, :not_run, :not_running, :running or :finished
  "outcome" : "success", // :canceled, :infrastructure_fail, :timedout, :failed, :no_tests or :success
  "status" : "success", // :retried, :canceled, :infrastructure_fail, :timedout, :not_run, :running, :failed, :queued, :not_running, :no_tests, :fixed, :success
  "retry_of" : null, // build_num of the build this is a retry of
  "steps" : [ {
    "name" : "configure the build",
    "actions" : [ {
      "bash_command" : null,
      "run_time_millis" : 1646,
      "start_time" : "2013-02-12T21:33:38Z",
      "end_time" : "2013-02-12T21:33:39Z",
      "name" : "configure the build",
      "exit_code" : null,
      "type" : "infrastructure",
      "index" : 0,
      "status" : "success",
    } ] },

    "name" : "lein2 deps",
    "actions" : [ {
      "bash_command" : "lein2 deps",
      "run_time_millis" : 7555,
      "start_time" : "2013-02-12T21:33:47Z",
      "messages" : [ ],
      "step" : 1,
      "exit_code" : 0,
      "end_time" : "2013-02-12T21:33:54Z",
      "index" : 0,
      "status" : "success",
      "type" : "dependencies",
      "source" : "inference",
      "failed" : null
    } ] },
    "name" : "lein2 trampoline midje",
    "actions" : [ {
      "bash_command" : "lein2 trampoline midje",
      "run_time_millis" : 2310,
      "continue" : null,
      "parallel" : true,
      "start_time" : "2013-02-12T21:33:59Z",
      "name" : "lein2 trampoline midje",
      "messages" : [ ],
      "step" : 6,
      "exit_code" : 1,
      "end_time" : "2013-02-12T21:34:01Z",
      "index" : 0,
      "status" : "failed",
      "timedout" : null,
      "infrastructure_fail" : null,
      "type" : "test",
      "source" : "inference",
      "failed" : true
    } ]
  } ],

GET Request: Returns the full details for a single job. The response includes all of the fields from the job summary.

Retry a Build

curl -X POST -H "Circle-Token: <circle-token>"

You can retry a build with ssh by swapping “retry” with “ssh”.

  "vcs_url" : "",
  "build_url" : "",
  "build_num" : 23,
  "branch" : "master",
  "vcs_revision" : "1d231626ba1d2838e599c5c598d28e2306ad4e48",
  "committer_name" : "Allen Rohner",
  "committer_email" : "",
  "subject" : "Don't explode when the system clock shifts backwards",
  "body" : "", // commit message body
  "why" : "retry", // short string explaining the reason we built
  "dont_build" : null, // reason why we didn't build, if we didn't build
  "queued_at" : "2013-04-12T21:33:30Z" // time build was queued
  "start_time" : "2013-04-12T21:33:38Z", // time build started running
  "stop_time" : "2013-04-12T21:34:01Z", // time build finished running
  "build_time_millis" : 23505,
  "username" : "circleci",
  "reponame" : "mongofinil",
  "lifecycle" : "queued",
  "outcome" : null,
  "status" : "queued",
  "retry_of" : 22, // build_num of the build this is a retry of
  "previous" : { // previous build
    "status" : "failed",
    "build_num" : 22

POST Request: Retries the build and then returns a summary of the new build.

Add User to Build

curl -X POST -H "Circle-Token: <circle-token>"
# ...Build Data

POST Request: This API call is only available when using a user API token. If the current user has permission to build the project, this API adds the current user's SSH public key to the authorized keys on each container running a build. This allows them to SSH to the build containers.

Cancel a Build

curl -X POST -H "Circle-Token: <circle-token>"
  "vcs_url" : "",
  "build_url" : "",
  "build_num" : 26,
  "branch" : "master",
  "vcs_revision" : "59c9c5ea3e289f2f3b0c94e128267cc0ce2d65c6",
  "committer_name" : "Allen Rohner",
  "committer_email" : "",
  "subject" : "Merge pull request #6 from dlowe/master"
  "body" : "le bump", // commit message body
  "why" : "retry", // short string explaining the reason we built
  "dont_build" : null, // reason why we didn't build, if we didn't build
  "queued_at" : "2013-05-24T19:37:59.095Z" // time build was queued
  "start_time" : null, // time build started running
  "stop_time" : null, // time build finished running
  "build_time_millis" : null,
  "username" : "circleci",
  "reponame" : "mongofinil",
  "lifecycle" : "queued",
  "outcome" : "canceled",
  "status" : "canceled",
  "canceled" : true,
  "retry_of" : 25, // build_num of the build this is a retry of
  "previous" : { // previous build
    "status" : "success",
    "build_num" : 25

POST Request: Cancels the build and then returns a summary of the build.

Trigger a new Job

curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Circle-Token: <circle-token>" -d '{
  "tag": "v0.1", // optional
  "parallel": 2, //optional, default null
  "build_parameters": { // optional
    "RUN_EXTRA_TESTS": "true"
  "author_name": "Allen Rohner",
  "build_url": "",
  "reponame": "mongofinil",
  "failed": null,
  "infrastructure_fail": false,
  "canceled": false,
  "all_commit_details": [{
      "author_name": "Allen Rohner",
      "commit": "f1baeb913288519dd9a942499cef2873f5b1c2bf",
      "author_login": "arohner",
      "committer_login": "arohner",
      "committer_name": "Allen Rohner",
      "body": "Minor version bump",
      "author_date": "2014-04-17T08:41:40Z",
      "committer_date": "2014-04-17T08:41:40Z",
      "commit_url": "",
      "committer_email": "",
      "author_email": "",
      "subject": "Merge pull request #15 from circleci/minor-version-bump"
  "previous": {
    "build_num": 53,
    "status": "success",
    "build_time_millis": 55413
  "ssh_enabled": null,
  "author_email": "",
  "why": "edit",
  "build_time_millis": null,
  "committer_email": "",
  "parallel": 2,
  "retries": null,
  "compare": null,
  "dont_build": null,
  "committer_name": "Allen Rohner",
  "usage_queued_at": "2014-04-29T12:56:55.338Z",
  "branch": "master",
  "body": "Minor version bump",
  "author_date": "2014-04-17T08:41:40Z",
  "node": null,
  "committer_date": "2014-04-17T08:41:40Z",
  "start_time": null,
  "stop_time": null,
  "lifecycle": "not_running",
  "user": {
    "email": "",
    "name": "Allen Rohner",
    "login": "arohner",
    "is_user": true
  "subject": "Merge pull request #15 from circleci/minor-version-bump",
  "messages": [],
  "job_name": null,
  "retry_of": null,
  "previous_successful_build": {
    "build_num": 53,
    "status": "success",
    "build_time_millis": 55413
  "outcome": null,
  "status": "not_running",
  "vcs_revision": "f1baeb913288519dd9a942499cef2873f5b1c2bf",
  "vcs_tag": "v0.1",
  "build_num": 54,
  "username": "circleci",
  "vcs_url": "",
  "timedout": false

See Also

Triggering Jobs with the API

POST Request: Triggers a new build and then returns a summary of the build.

Parameter Description
revision The specific revision to build. Default is null and the head of the branch is used. Cannot be used with tag parameter.
tag The tag to build. Default is null. Cannot be used with revision parameter.
parallel The number of containers to use to run the build. Default is null and the project default is used. This parameter is ignored for builds running on our 2.0 infrastructure.
build_parameters Additional environment variables to inject into the build environment. A map of names to values.

Note Triggering a new job is not currently supported with configurations that specify version: 2.1.

Trigger a new Job with a Branch

curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Circle-Token: <circle-token>" -d '{
  "parallel": 2, //optional, default null
  "revision": "f1baeb913288519dd9a942499cef2873f5b1c2bf" // optional
  "build_parameters": { // optional
    "RUN_EXTRA_TESTS": "true"
  "author_name": "Allen Rohner",
  "build_url": "",
  "reponame": "mongofinil",
  "failed": null,
  "infrastructure_fail": false,
  "canceled": false,
  "all_commit_details": [
      "author_name": "Allen Rohner",
      "commit": "f1baeb913288519dd9a942499cef2873f5b1c2bf",
      "author_login": "arohner",
      "committer_login": "arohner",
      "committer_name": "Allen Rohner",
      "body": "Minor version bump",
      "author_date": "2014-04-17T08:41:40Z",
      "committer_date": "2014-04-17T08:41:40Z",
      "commit_url": "",
      "committer_email": "",
      "author_email": "",
      "subject": "Merge pull request #15 from circleci/minor-version-bump"
  "previous": {
    "build_num": 53,
    "status": "success",
    "build_time_millis": 55413
  "ssh_enabled": null,
  "author_email": "",
  "why": "edit",
  "build_time_millis": null,
  "committer_email": "",
  "parallel": 2,
  "retries": null,
  "compare": null,
  "dont_build": null,
  "committer_name": "Allen Rohner",
  "usage_queued_at": "2014-04-29T12:56:55.338Z",
  "branch": "master",
  "body": "Minor version bump",
  "author_date": "2014-04-17T08:41:40Z",
  "node": null,
  "committer_date": "2014-04-17T08:41:40Z",
  "start_time": null,
  "stop_time": null,
  "lifecycle": "not_running", // :queued, :not_run, :not_running, :running or :finished
  "user": {
    "email": "",
    "name": "Allen Rohner",
    "login": "arohner",
    "is_user": true
  "subject": "Merge pull request #15 from circleci/minor-version-bump",
  "messages": [],
  "job_name": null,
  "retry_of": null,
  "previous_successful_build": {
    "build_num": 53,
    "status": "success",
    "build_time_millis": 55413
  "outcome": null,
  "status": "not_running",
  "vcs_revision": "f1baeb913288519dd9a942499cef2873f5b1c2bf",
  "build_num": 54,
  "username": "circleci",
  "vcs_url": "",
  "timedout": false

POST Request: Triggers a new build and then returns a summary of the build.

Parameter Description
revision The specific revision to build. Default is null and the head of the branch is used. Cannot be used with tag parameter.
parallel The number of containers to use to run the build. Default is null and the project default is used. This parameter is ignored for builds running on our 2.0 infrastructure.
build_parameters Additional environment variables to inject into the build environment. A map of names to values.

Note Triggering a new job with a branch is not currently supported with configurations that specify version: 2.1.

Trigger a new Build by Project (preview)

curl -X POST -H "Circle-Token: <circle-token>"
  "status": 200,
  "body": "Build created"

POST Request: Triggers a build of the specified project, by branch, revision, or tag. Workflows will be run or scheduled in the same way as when a webhook from source control is received.

Parameter Description
revision The specific revision to build. If not specified, the HEAD of the branch is used. Cannot be used with tag parameter
branch The branch to build. Cannot be used with tag parameter.
tag The git tag to build. Cannot be used with branch and revision parameters.

Get Build Test Metadata

curl -H "Circle-Token: <circle-token>"
  "tests" : [ {
    "message" : "",
    "file" : "features/desktop/invitations.feature",
    "source" : "cucumber",
    "run_time" : 2.957513661,
    "result" : "success",
    "name" : "Accepting an invitation",
    "classname" : "Invitations"
  }, {
    "message" : null,
    "file" : "spec/lib/webfinger_spec.rb",
    "source" : "rspec",
    "run_time" : 0.011366,
    "result" : "success",
    "name" : "Webfinger#intialize sets account ",
    "classname" : "spec.lib.webfinger_spec"
  } ]

GET Request Provides test metadata for a build.


List Checkout Keys

curl -H "Circle-Token: <circle-token>"
[{"public_key": "ssh-rsa...",
  "type": "deploy-key", // can be "deploy-key" or "github-user-key"
  "fingerprint": "c9:0b:1c:4f:d5:65:56:b9:ad:88:f9:81:2b:37:74:2f",
  "preferred": true,
  "time" : "2015-09-21T17:29:21.042Z" // when the key was issued

GET Request: Returns an array of checkout keys for :project.

New Checkout Key

curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"type":"github-user-key"}' -H "Circle-Token: <circle-token>"
{"public_key": "ssh-rsa...",
  "type": "deploy-key", // can be "deploy-key" or "user-key"
  "fingerprint": "c9:0b:1c:4f:d5:65:56:b9:ad:88:f9:81:2b:37:74:2f",
  "preferred": true,
  "time" : "2015-09-21T17:29:21.042Z" // when the key was issued

POST Request: Creates a new checkout key. This API request is only usable with a user API token.

Parameter Description
type The type of key to create. Can be 'deploy-key' or 'github-user-key'.

Get Checkout Key

curl -H "Circle-Token: <circle-token>"
{"public_key": "ssh-rsa...",
  "type": "deploy-key", // can be "deploy-key" or "user-key"
  "fingerprint": "c9:0b:1c:4f:d5:65:56:b9:ad:88:f9:81:2b:37:74:2f",
  "preferred": true,
  "time" : "2015-09-21T17:29:21.042Z" // when the key was issued

GET Request: Returns an individual checkout key.

Delete Checkout Key

DELETE Request: Deletes the checkout key.

curl -X DELETE -H "Circle-Token: <circle-token>"

Create SSH Keys

POST Request: Creates an SSH key that will be used to access the external system identified by the hostname parameter for SSH key-based authentication.

curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"hostname":"hostname","private_key":"RSA private key"}' -H "Circle-Token: <circle-token>"
# no response expected

Delete SSH Key

curl -X DELETE --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d {"fingerprint":"Fingerprint", "hostname":"Hostname"} -H "Circle-Token: <circle-token>"
# no response expected

DELETE Request: Deletes an SSH key from the system.

Heroku Keys

POST Request: Adds your Heroku API key to CircleCI and then takes apikey as form param name.

curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"apikey":"Heroku key"}' -H "Circle-Token: <circle-token>"
# no response expected


Artifacts Of A Build

curl -H "Circle-Token: <circle-token>"
[ {
  "path" : "raw-test-output/go-test-report.xml",
  "pretty_path" : "raw-test-output/go-test-report.xml",
  "node_index" : 0,
  "url" : ""
}, {
  "path" : "raw-test-output/go-test.out",
  "pretty_path" : "raw-test-output/go-test.out",
  "node_index" : 0,
  "url" : ""
} ]

Returns an array of artifacts produced by a given build. Request Type: GET


Download an artifact file

You can download an individual artifact file via the API with an API-token authenticated HTTP request.

curl -L -H "Circle-Token: <circle-token>"


Artifacts of the latest Build

curl -H "Circle-Token: <circle-token>"
[ {
  "path" : "raw-test-output/go-test-report.xml",
  "pretty_path" : "raw-test-output/go-test-report.xml",
  "node_index" : 0,
  "url" : ""
}, {
  "path" : "raw-test-output/go-test.out",
  "pretty_path" : "raw-test-output/go-test.out",
  "node_index" : 0,
  "url" : ""
} ]

Returns an array of artifacts produced by the latest build on a given branch.

Request Type: GET

Parameter Description
branch The branch you would like to look in for the latest build. Returns artifacts for latest build in entire project if omitted.
filter Restricts which builds are returned. Set to "completed", "successful", "failed", "running", or defaults to no filter.


Environment Variables

List Environment Variables

curl -H "Circle-Token: <circle-token>"

GET Request: Returns four 'x' characters plus the last four ASCII characters of the value, consistent with the display of environment variable values in the CircleCI website.

Add Environment Variables

curl -X POST --header "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"foo", "value":"bar"}' -H "Circle-Token: <circle-token>"

POST Request Creates a new environment variable.

Get Single Environment Variable

curl -H "Circle-Token: <circle-token>"

GET Request: Returns the hidden value of environment variable :name.

Delete Environment Variables

curl -X DELETE -H "Circle-Token: <circle-token>"

DELETE Request Deletes the environment variable named :name.