CircleCI Self-hosted Runner Installation with Docker

Last updated
Tags Cloud Server v3.x

This page describes how to install CircleCI self-hosted runner with Docker.

This page is a continuation of installing self-hosted runners. You will need to have an existing namespace and resource class to continue below. You can do this on the CircleCI web app by navigating to Self-Hosted Runners (see the documentation for the Web App Installation). You can also use the CLI.

Additional prerequisites

The host needs to have Docker installed. Once the runner container is started, the container will immediately attempt to start running jobs. The container will be reused to run more jobs indefinitely until it is stopped.

The number of containers running in parallel on the host is constrained by the host’s available resources and your jobs' performance requirements.

Create a Dockerfile that extends the CircleCI self-hosted runner image

Create a Dockerfile.runner.extended file. In this example, Python 3 is installed on top of the base image.

FROM circleci/runner:launch-agent
RUN sudo apt-get update; \
    sudo apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \

Build the Docker image

docker build --file ./Dockerfile.runner.extended .

Start the Docker container

The environment variable values are not available to the docker command, so these environment variables are not visible in ps output.
CIRCLECI_RESOURCE_CLASS=<resource-class> CIRCLECI_API_TOKEN=<runner-token> docker run --env CIRCLECI_API_TOKEN --env CIRCLECI_RESOURCE_CLASS --name <container-name> <image-id-from-previous-step>

When the container starts, it will immediately attempt to start running jobs.

Start the Docker container on server

When starting the docker container on server, the agent_version and LAUNCH_AGENT_API_URL environment variables will need to be passed in using the --env flag.

CIRCLECI_RESOURCE_CLASS=<resource-class> CIRCLECI_API_TOKEN=<runner-token> agent_version=<agent_version_for_server> LAUNCH_AGENT_API_URL=<server_host_name> docker run --env agent_version --env LAUNCH_AGENT_API_URL --env CIRCLECI_API_TOKEN --env CIRCLECI_RESOURCE_CLASS --name <container-name> <image-id-from-previous-step>

Stopping the Docker container

docker stop <container-name>

Remove the Docker container

In some cases you might need to fully remove a stopped self-hosted runner container from the system, such as when recreating a container using the same name.

docker stop <container-name>; docker rm <container-name>;

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