CircleCI Server version 2.x is no longer a supported release. Please consult your account team for help in upgrading to a supported release. |
This chapter describes system checks and the basics of user management.
System Checks
- When are executor instances created and destroyed?
- When are executor instances reused?
- How are EBS volumes managed?
- Can the amount of EBS volumes and EC2 instances be bounded?
- How do you prevent executors from existing indefinitely?
- Where can I find the audit log(s)?
- What do the audit log files contain?
- What action types are there?
- How can I access the files and do something with them?
- How do I ensure proper injection of Internal CA Certificate?
- Security and Access Control
- System Configuration
- Metrics
- Usage Statistics
- Health Checks
- Operational Tasks
- How should troubleshooting happen? What tools are available?
- How do I view all users?
- How do I delete a user?
- How do I make a user an admin?
- How do I get user statistics?
- How do I create a new admin?
- How do I reset the Management Console password?
- How do I resolve the case of VM spin-up / spin-down issues?
- Queues
- Daylight-saving time changes
- Data cleardown
- Log rotation
- Replicated Failover and Recovery procedures
- User Management
System Checks
When are executor instances created and destroyed?
Answer: CircleCI creates a new instance for each job. The instance will be destroyed at the end of the job. However, given that cloud instance creation may take significant time (~1 to 3 minutes), CircleCI offers a pre-scale option, where a set number of instances will be created in anticipation of demand. These will be killed at the end of the job. The number of pre-scaled instances is configured in the settings section of the Management Console.
At any given time, CircleCI expects to have a base of pre-scaled instances and the required instances to service current job load.
When are executor instances reused?
Answer: Machine executor VMs never get reused for multiple jobs. EBS Volumes are reused for multiple jobs, but only get shared among jobs within the same project.
How are EBS volumes managed?
Answer: Since docker layers can be large (GBs), CircleCI prefers caching by using attached EBS volumes to using an object storage (for example, S3). Volumes are created when a job is configured to use docker layer caching (for example, set docker_layer_caching: true
in config). Note: For docker layer caching to work, you cannot use preallocated instances. You must set the remote docker and/or machine executor (depending on which one you want to use DLC, or both) to 0 in the replicated settings for "on-demand" instances. Otherwise, DLC will not work.
CircleCI reuses any existing available volume for that job project. If there is none (or all existing volumes are busy), CircleCI creates a new volume for the project. Volumes are associated with a project. No two project jobs can share an EBS volume for security reasons. CircleCI deletes EBS volumes in few circumstances (for example, when there is a risk of running out of disk space).
Can the amount of EBS volumes and EC2 instances be bounded?
Answer: Not at this time. You may utilize the metrics provided to alert when reaching a specific threshold.
How do you prevent executors from existing indefinitely?
Answer: A process runs that periodically detects and stops any leaked VMs (for example, a task completed but it’s VM is running for over N hours). You may also manually inspect instances that have been running for over 24 hours (CircleCI currently does this as well). You may also utilize the metrics provided to alert when stale VMs are detected.
Where can I find the audit log(s)?
Answer: The Audit logs are found at the root of your object storage installation under /audit-logs/audit_log/v1
. Audit Log Service (as of CircleCI v2.13) handles the storage of audit log events. Services running within a cluster may fire audit events that are then captured by this service and persisted to the provisioned Storage mechanism for AWS S3 and On-Host.
What do the audit log files contain?
Answer: A JSON representation of event(s) for the period of time since the last file created (each file starts with a timestamp and is generally an hourly period). For example;
"contexts":[ ],
What action types are there?
How can I access the files and do something with them?
Set up the
or another JSON processor for your OS. -
In this example, grep for all
events.#!/bin/bashBUCKET=YOUR-BUCKET-NAME for key in `aws s3api list-objects --bucket BUCKET --prefix audit-logs/audit_log/v1/ --output json | jq -r '.Contents[].Key'`; do echo $key; aws s3 cp --quiet s3://BUCKET/$key - | grep workflow.job.start; done
How do I ensure proper injection of Internal CA Certificate?
Answer: If using an internal CA, or self-signed certificate, you must ensure the signing certificate is trusted by the domain service to properly connect to GitHub Enterprise.
The Domain Service uses a Java Truststore, loaded with Keytool. Must match the formats supported by that tool.
You need the full CA chain, not just
certificates. -
The CA certificate chain should be saved in
Security and Access Control
CircleCI conducts ongoing security checks, for example, CircleCI containers are scanned by TwistLock prior to being published. CircleCI does not conduct ongoing security checks of your environment.
What kind of security is in place for passwords and Personally Identifiable Information (PII)? Are the passwords hashed with a strong hash function and salted?
Answer: Passwords are hashed with a 10-character salt and SHA265, refer to the Security chapter for more details.
How will the Host and Nomad clients be monitored for security issues?
Answer: Your internal security teams are responsible for monitoring the Host and Nomad clients installed in your private datacenter or cloud. CircleCI containers are scanned by TwistLock prior to being published.
System Configuration
How is configuration managed for the system?
Answer: Replicated Management Console handles all of the post-installation configuration. Installation-specific configuration is managed by Terraform or Shell scripts.
How are configuration secrets managed?
Answer: Configuration secrets are stored in plain-text on the host.
What significant metrics will be generated?
Answer: Refer to the Monitoring section for details about monitoring and metrics.
How do I find out how many builds per day are running?
use <database>
var coll = db.builds
var items = coll.find({
"start_time": {
$gte: ISODate("2018-03-15T00:00:00.000Z"),
$lt: ISODate("2018-03-16T00:00:00.000Z")
Usage Statistics
How do I find the usage statistics?
docker exec server-usage-stats /src/builds/extract
Health Checks
How is the health of dependencies (components and systems) assessed? How does the system report its own health?
Answer: Ready Agent can be used to determine the health of the system. Replicated looks to the server-ready-agent API for a 200 response. server-ready-agent
waits to receive a 200 from all listed services, reporting a 5XX until all services come online and then it reports a 200. You can tail the logs to determine current and final state as follows:
docker logs -f ready-agent
Health of Service
Each documented service provides /health-check
, /healthcheck
, /status
HTTP endpoint: 200 indicates basic health, 500 indicates bad configuration. To determine the health of individual services you must ssh into your Services VM (where all the containers are running) and make the request. The current list of services that expose a check are listed below:
Frontend localhost:80/health-check
API Service localhost:8082/status
Workflows Conductor localhost:9999/healthcheck
Federations Service localhost:8090/status
Permissions Service localhost:3013/status
Context Service localhost:3011/status
Domain Service localhost:3014/status
Cron Service localhost:4261/status
VM Service* localhost:3001/status
* if enabled
As an example, following is how you would determine if the frontend is healthy:
curl -s -o /dev/null -I -w "%{http_code}\n"
Health of Dependencies
Use /health
HTTP endpoint for internal components that expose it. Other systems and external endpoints: typically use HTTP 200 except some synthetic checks for some services.
Operational Tasks
How is the software deployed? How does rollback happen?
Answer: CircleCI uses Enterprise-Setup Terraform or Static bash scripts for deployments, Replicated is installed and orchestrates pulling all containers into your VPC. Rollbacks can only occur by reloading a previous backup and are not possible through Replicated.
What kind of scaling events take place?
Answer: Vertically scaling Service and Nomad clients is possible with downtime, Horizontally scaling Nomad Clients is possible without downtime. Refer to the Monitoring section of the Configuration chapter for details.
What kind of checks need to happen on a regular basis?
Answer: All /health
endpoints should be checked every 60 seconds including the Replicated endpoint.
How should troubleshooting happen? What tools are available?
It is worth noting two things. First is that the REPL is a extremely powerful tool that can cause irreparable damage to your system when used improperly. We cannot guarantee that any of the repl
commands outside of this guide are safe to run, and do not support custom repl
being run in our shell. The second thing is that in order to run any of our commands you’ll need to run the following commands below:
ssh into services box
circleci dev-console
If the above does not bring you into a REPL that mentions it is the CircleCI Dev-Console you can run the alternative command.
ssh into the services box
sudo docker exec -it frontend bash
lein repl :connect 6005
Once you are in the repl, you can copy and paste any of the commands below, and making the necessary substitutions in order to make the command work.
How do I view all users?
(circle.model.user/where { :$and [{:sign_in_count {:$gte 0}}, {:login {:$ne nil}}]} :only [:login])
How do I delete a user?
(circle.http.api.admin-commands.user/delete-by-login-vcs-type! "Sirparthington" :github)
How do I make a user an admin?
(circle.model.user/set-fields! (circle.model.user/find-one-by-github-login "your-github-username-here") {:admin "all"})
How do I get user statistics?
Answer: If a if you need some basic statistics (name, email, sign in history) for your users, run the following REPL commands:
All Time
circleci dev-console
(circle.model.user/where {} :only [:name :login :emails :admin :dev_admin :activated :sign_in_count :current_sign_in_at :current_sign_in_ip :last_sign_in_at :last_sign_in_ip])
Last Month
{:last_sign_in_at {:$gt (clj-time.core/minus (clj-time.core/now) (clj-time.core/months 1))}}
[:name :login :emails :admin :dev_admin :activated :sign_in_count :current_sign_in_at :current_sign_in_ip :last_sign_in_at :last_sign_in_ip])
How do I create a new admin?
Answer: By default, the first user to access the CircleCI server installation after it is started becomes the admin.
Options for designating additional admin users are found under the Users page in the Admin section at https://[domain-to-your-installation]/admin/users
In the event the admin is unknown, or has left the company without creating a new admin, you can promote a user in the following way:
SSH into the services box
Open the CircleCI dev console with the command
circleci dev-console
Run this command (replacing \<username\> with the GitHub username of the person you want to promote:
(-> (circle.model.user/find-one-by-login "<username>") (circle.model.user/set-fields! {:admin "write-settings"}))
How do I reset the Management Console password?
SSH into the services box
Use the following command:
replicated auth reset
to remove the password -
to create a new password or connect LDAP.
How do I resolve the case of VM spin-up / spin-down issues?
Answer: Make sure no builds are running that require the remote Docker environment or the machine executor, and make sure to terminate any running preallocated/remote VM EC2 instances first. Then, complete the following:
SSH into the services box
Log into the VM service database in the Postgres container:
sudo docker exec -it postgres psql -U circle vms
Delete these records:
delete from vms.tasks; delete from vms.volumes; delete from vms.vms;
Configure the settings in the management console to on-demand instancing (for example, set to 0 to prevent preallocated instances from being used)
Terminate all existing vm ec2 instances that are currently running.
circleci dev-console
to REPL in. You should now be able to run the below commands to check queues. -
After checking queues with the commands below, change the setting back to their original values.
Queues may become an issues for you if you are running version 2.10 or earlier. As 1.0 builds pile up and block any builds from running, run the commands below to get a feeling for how long the queues are. Then, you can promote builds from the usage-queue to the run-queue or just cancel them from the run queue.
Checking Usage Queue
(in-ns '
(->> (all-builds) count) # Will give you the count for how many builds are in the queue
(->> (all-builds) (take 3) (map deref) (map circle.http.paths/build-url)) # If you want to check the top three builds at the top of the queue.
(->> (all-builds) reverse (take 3) (map circle.http.paths/build-url)) # If you want to check the builds at the end of the queue.
# If you want to promote builds from the usage queue to the run queue you can do the following:
(let [builds (->> (all-builds)
(take 3)
(map circle.http.paths/build-url)
(doseq [b builds]
( b)))
Its safe to do this by the 100's, but do not put the entire queue in.
Checking Run Queue
( ; returns how many are in the queue
(->> ( (take 3) (map circle.http.paths/build-url)) ; Check the top three builds in the run-queue
;; In case builds are jammed run the following. You can cancel in batches of 100.
(->> ( (take 100) (map!))
Remember to set values back to original in your settings after checking queues. |
Daylight-saving time changes
Is the software affected by daylight-saving time changes (both client and server)?
Answer: No. All date/time data converted to UTC with offset before processing.
Data cleardown
Which data needs to be cleared down? How often? Which tools or scripts control cleardown?
Answer: If using On-Host storage and Static, all storage should be mounted.
Log rotation
Is log rotation needed? How is it controlled?
Answer: Docker automatically rotates logs.
Replicated Failover and Recovery procedures
What needs to happen when parts of the system are failed over to standby systems? What needs to happen during recovery?
Answer: Refer to the Backup and Troubleshooting sections of this document for details.
User Management
How do I provision admin users?
Answer: The first user who logs in to the CircleCI application will automatically be designated an admin user. Options for designating additional admin users are found under the Users page in the Admin section at https://[domain-to-your-installation]/admin/users
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This guide, as well as the rest of our docs, are open source and available on GitHub. We welcome your contributions.
- Suggest an edit to this page (please read the contributing guide first).
- To report a problem in the documentation, or to submit feedback and comments, please open an issue on GitHub.
- CircleCI is always seeking ways to improve your experience with our platform. If you would like to share feedback, please join our research community.
Need support?
Our support engineers are available to help with service issues, billing, or account related questions, and can help troubleshoot build configurations. Contact our support engineers by opening a ticket.
You can also visit our support site to find support articles, community forums, and training resources.

CircleCI Documentation by CircleCI is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.