Upload to Artifactory

Last updated
Tags Cloud Server v3.x Server v2.x

CircleCI supports uploading directly to Artifactory.


Artifactory has great documentation explaining how to leverage their REST API.

We will use this space to highlight some sample projects showing how to best use CircleCI and Artifactory together.

Ensure that you have created your repository before starting this example, otherwise CircleCI won’t have a place to store your dependencies.

Artifactory plugins

Popular tools like Maven and Gradle have Artifactory plugins, and can deploy to Artifactory using their respective deploy commands.


If you want to use the JFrog CLI, you can install it by adding the following to your .circleci/config.yml :

- run:
    name: Install jFrog CLI
    command: curl -fL https://getcli.jfrog.io | sh

Now we need to configure JFrog to use our credentials securely. We configure the client to use our $ARTIFACTORY_URL, along with our $ARTIFACTORY_USER and $ARTIFACTORY_APIKEY. These can be entered under Project Settings->Environment Variables. Configure the CLI to use these settings:

- run: ./jfrog config add <named_server_config> --artifactory-url $ARTIFACTORY_URL --user $ARTIFACTORY_USER --apikey $ARTIFACTORY_APIKEY --interactive=false

If you would like to upload JAR files use the following example:

- run: ./jfrog rt u "multi*/*.jar" <artifactory_repo_name> --build-name=<name_you_give_to_build> --build-number=$CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM --flat=false

If you would like to upload WAR files use the following example:

- run: ./jfrog rt u "multi*/*.war" <artifactory_repo_name> --build-name=<name_you_give_to_build> --build-number=$CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM --flat=false

The full .circleci/config.yml file would look something like the following:

version: 2
      - image: cimg/openjdk:17.0
          username: mydockerhub-user
          password: $DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD  # context / project UI env-var reference
    working_directory: ~/repo
      - checkout
      - run: mvn dependency:go-offline
      - run:
          name: maven build
          command: |
            mvn clean install
      - run:
          name: Install JFrog CLI
          command: curl -fL https://getcli.jfrog.io | sh
      - run:
          name: Push to Artifactory
          command: |
            ./jfrog config add <named_server_config> --artifactory-url $ARTIFACTORY_URL --user $ARTIFACTORY_USER --apikey $ARTIFACTORY_APIKEY --interactive=false
            ./jfrog rt u <path/to/artifact> <artifactory_repo_name> --build-name=<name_you_give_to_build> --build-number=$CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM
            ./jfrog rt bce <name_you_give_to_build> $CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM  # collects all environment variables on the agent
            ./jfrog rt bp <name_you_give_to_build> $CIRCLE_BUILD_NUM  # attaches ^^ to the build in artifactory

See also

Storing and Accessing Artifacts

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