CircleCI Self-hosted Runner Overview
CircleCI self-hosted runner enables you to use your own infrastructure for running jobs. This means you will be able to build and test on a wider variety of architectures, as well as have additional control over the environment. The diagram below illustrates how CircleCI self-hosted runner extends our existing systems.
CircleCI runner use cases
There are two key use cases CircleCI aims to meet with the self-hosted runner:
Privileged access & controls - CircleCI understands that some customers require running jobs on on-premises or limited-access infrastructure due to stricter isolation requirements. Some things the self-hosted runner enables are:
IP restrictions - Runners can have static IP addresses that you can control
Identity Access Management (IAM) permissions - If you set up runners in AWS, they can be assigned IAM permissions
Monitor the operating system
Connect to private networks
Unique compute requirements - Customers who need to run jobs on an environment or architecture that CircleCI does not offer as a resource class can use the runner to fill that need.
Getting started
To get started with CircleCI self-hosted runners:
Provide your own platform to deploy your CircleCI self-hosted runners (see the Available CircleCI self-hosted runner platforms page for supported platforms)
Install CircleCI self-hosted runners!
CircleCI self-hosted runner operation
Once a CircleCI self-hosted runner is installed, the self-hosted runner polls
for work, runs jobs, and returns status, logs, and artifacts to CircleCI. When the self-hosted runner is not running a job, it will auto-update itself when a new version is released.
Almost all standard CircleCI features are available for use with self-hosted runner jobs, however, a few features are not yet supported. If these features are important for you to make use of self-hosted runner jobs, please let us know via the relevant canny page.
The following built in environment variables are not populated within runner executors:
All deprecated cloud environment variables
Learn more
Take the runner course with CircleCI Academy to learn more about running jobs on your infrastructure.
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- CircleCI is always seeking ways to improve your experience with our platform. If you would like to share feedback, please join our research community.
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