Using dynamic configuration

Last updated
Tags Cloud Server v3.x

This section assumes you have already read the Dynamic Configuration page and have followed the steps outlined in the Getting Started with Dynamic Configuration section.

The following examples of dynamic configuration usage are provided below:

A basic example

The following is a basic example using CircleCI’s dynamic configuration feature. In this example, we assume that a generate-config script already exists. The script outputs a new configuration YAML based on some type of work it performs. It could potentially inspect git history, pipeline values that get passed to it, or anything else you might do from inside a job.

version: 2.1

# this allows you to use CircleCI's dynamic configuration feature
setup: true

# the continuation orb is required in order to use dynamic configuration
  continuation: circleci/continuation@0.1.2

# our defined job, and its steps
    executor: continuation/default
      - checkout # checkout code
      - run: # run a command
          name: Generate config
          command: |
            ./generate-config > generated_config.yml
      - continuation/continue:
          configuration_path: generated_config.yml # use newly generated config to continue

# our single workflow, that triggers the setup job defined above
      - setup

In the above configuration, we:

  • Add the line setup: true to the top-level of our config, to designate it for use of CircleCI’s dynamic configuration feature

  • Invoke the continuation orb so we can use it.

  • Define a job called setup that uses the continuation orb as an [executor](/docs/executor-intro/). This job:

  • Calls the [checkout](/docs/configuration-reference/#checkout) step to checkout code from the configured repository.

  • Calls the [run](/docs/configuration-reference/#checkout) step to execute the existing generate-config script, so we can pass its output to the continue job of the continuation orb.

  • Continues running the pipeline based on what configuration is provided to the required configuration_path.

  • Lastly, we call the setup job defined above as a part of our workflow

You can only use one workflow per config.yml when using CircleCI’s dynamic configuration feature. You can only run a single workflow as part of the pipeline’s setup stage. This setup-workflow has access to a one-time-use token to create more workflows. The setup process does not cascade, so subsequent workflows in the pipeline cannot launch their own continuations.

For a more in-depth explanation of what the continuation orb does, review the orb’s source code in the CircleCI Developer Hub or review the Dynamic configuration FAQ.

Execute specific workflows or steps based on which files are modified

You may find that you would like to conditionally run a workflow or step based upon changes made to a specific fileset. This would be beneficial in the case of your code/microservices being stored in a monorepo, or a single repository.

To achieve this, CircleCI has provided the path-filtering orb, which allows a pipeline to continue execution based upon the specific paths of updated files.

For example, consider a monorepo structure like the example shown below:

├── .circleci
│   ├── config.yml
│   └── continue_config.yml
├── service1
│   ├──
├── service2
│   ├──
├── tests
│   ├──

An example implementation of CircleCI’s dynamic configuration for the above use case can be found in the following config.yml and continue_config.yml:


version: 2.1

# this allows you to use CircleCI's dynamic configuration feature
setup: true

# the path-filtering orb is required to continue a pipeline based on
# the path of an updated fileset
  path-filtering: circleci/path-filtering@0.1.1

  # the always-run workflow is always triggered, regardless of the pipeline parameters.
      # the path-filtering/filter job determines which pipeline
      # parameters to update.
      - path-filtering/filter:
          name: check-updated-files
          # 3-column, whitespace-delimited mapping. One mapping per
          # line:
          # <regex path-to-test> <parameter-to-set> <value-of-pipeline-parameter>
          mapping: |
            service1/.* run-build-service-1-job true
            service2/.* run-build-service-2-job true
          base-revision: main
          # this is the path of the configuration we should trigger once
          # path filtering and pipeline parameter value updates are
          # complete. In this case, we are using the parent dynamic
          # configuration itself.
          config-path: .circleci/continue_config.yml


version: 2.1

  maven: circleci/maven@1.2.0

# the default pipeline parameters, which will be updated according to
# the results of the path-filtering orb
    type: boolean
    default: false
    type: boolean
    default: false

# here we specify our workflows, most of which are conditionally
# executed based upon pipeline parameter values. Each workflow calls a
# specific job defined above, in the jobs section.
  # when pipeline parameter, run-build-service-1-job is true, the
  # build-service-1 job is triggered.
    when: << >>
      - maven/test:
          name: build-service-1
          command: 'install -DskipTests'
          app_src_directory: 'service1'
  # when pipeline parameter, run-build-service-2-job is true, the
  # build-service-2 job is triggered.
    when: << >>
      - maven/test:
          name: build-service-2
          command: 'install -DskipTests'
          app_src_directory: 'service2'
  # when pipeline parameter, run-build-service-1-job OR
  # run-build-service-2-job is true, run-integration-tests job is
  # triggered. see:
  # for more information.
      or: [<< >>, << >>]
      - maven/test:
          name: run-integration-tests
          command: '-X verify'
          app_src_directory: 'tests'

In the above configuration, we:

  • Add the line setup: true to the top-level of our config, to designate it for use of CircleCI’s dynamic configuration feature.

  • Invoke the path-filtering and maven orbs so we can use them.

  • Define two boolean pipeline parameters, run-build-service-1-job and run-build-service-2-job

  • Define four jobs: check-updated-files, build-service-1, build-service-2, and run-integration-tests:

  • The check-updated-files job will use the path-filtering orb to determine which files have changed, according to the file-path provided. It will also set the designated pipeline parameters to their specified values (in this case, different maven commands will be triggered based on which files changed).

  • The build-service-1 job uses the maven orb to compile/install the service1 code, but skips any tests

  • The build-service-2 job uses the maven orb to compile/install the service2 code, but skips any tests

  • The run-integration-tests job uses the maven orb to run any integration tests

  • Define four workflows, three of which are conditionally executed:

  • The service-1 workflow triggers the build-service-1 job when the pipeline parameter value mapped to run-build-service-1-job is set to true

  • The service-2 workflow triggers the build-service-2 job when the pipeline parameter value mapped to run-build-service-2-job is set to true

  • The run-integration-tests workflow will run if the run-build-service-1-job or run-build-service-2-job pipeline parameters have been updated to true based on the results of the path-filtering orb

  • The check-updated-files workflow will always run any time this pipeline is triggered

See the path-filtering orb documentation for more information on available elements and required parameters.

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