Test splitting and parallelism

Last updated
Tags Cloud Server v3.x Server v2.x

The more tests your project has, the longer it will take for them to complete using a single compute resource. To reduce this time, you can split your tests and run them across multiple, parallel-running execution environments. Specifying a level of parallelism defines how many separate executors get spun up to run your test suite. You can then split your test suite using the CircleCI CLI or use environment variables to configure each parallel-running executor individually.

Test splitting to speed up pipelines

Pipelines are often configured so that each time code is committed a set of tests are run. Test splitting is a great way to speed up the testing portion of your CI/CD pipeline. A set of tests can be split over a range of test environments running in parallel.

CircleCI test splitting lets you intelligently define where splits happen across a test suite:

  • by name
  • by size
  • using timing data

Using timing-based test splitting takes the timing data from the previous test run to split a test suite as evenly as possible over a specified number of test environments running in parallel, to give the lowest possible test time for the compute power in use.

Test Splitting

To illustrate this, take a sequentially running test suite – all tests run in a single test environment (docker container):

      - image: cimg/go:1.18.1
          username: mydockerhub-user
          password: $DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD  # context / project UI env-var reference
    resource_class: large
    working_directory: ~/my-app
      - run: go test

To split these tests using timing data, first introduce parallelism to spin up a number of identical test environments (10 in this example). Then use the circleci tests split command, with the --split-by=timings flag to split the tests evenly across all executors, so the tests run in the shortest possible time.

      - image: cimg/go:1.18.1
          username: mydockerhub-user
          password: $DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD  # context / project UI env-var reference
    parallelism: 10
    resource_class: large
    working_directory: ~/my-app
      - run: go test -v $(go list ./... | circleci tests split --split-by=timings)

Note: The first time the tests are run there will be no timing data for the command to use, but on subsequent runs the test time will be optimized.

Is it worth it?

To give a quantitative illustration of the power of splitting tests using timing data, adding parallelism: 10 on a test suite run across the CircleCI application project decreased the test time from 26:11 down to 3:55.

Using timings-based test splitting gives the most accurate split, and is guaranteed to optimize with each test suite run. The most recent timings data is always used to define where splits are made.

Specifying a job’s parallelism level

Test suites are conventionally defined at the job level in your .circleci/config.yml file. The parallelism key specifies how many independent executors are set up to run the steps.

To run a job’s steps in parallel, set the parallelism key to a value greater than 1.

# ~/.circleci/config.yml
version: 2.1
      - image: cimg/<language>:<version TAG>
          username: mydockerhub-user
          password: $DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD  # context / project UI env-var reference
    parallelism: 4


Using parallelism with self-hosted runners

To use the parallelism feature with jobs that use self-hosted runners, ensure that you have at least two self-hosted runners associated with the runner resource class that your job will run on. If you set the parallelism value to be greater than the number of active self-hosted runners in a given resource class, the excess parallel tasks that do not have a self-hosted runner to execute on will queue until a self-hosted runner is available.

For more information, see the Configuring CircleCI document.

Using the CircleCI CLI to split tests

CircleCI supports automatic test allocation across your containers. The allocation is filename or classname based, depending on the requirements of the test-runner you are using. Test splitting requires the CircleCI CLI, which is automatically injected into your build at run-time.

Note: The circleci tests commands (glob and split) cannot be run locally via the CLI as they require information that only exists within a CircleCI container.

The CLI supports splitting tests across executors when running parallel jobs. This is achieved by passing a list of either files or classnames, whichever your test-runner requires at the command line, to the circleci tests split command.

Self-hosted runners can invoke circleci-agent directly instead of using the CLI to split tests. This is because the task agent already exists on the $PATH, removing an additional dependency when splitting tests.

Globbing test files

To assist in defining your test suite, the CLI supports globbing test files using the following patterns:

  • * matches any sequence of characters (excluding path separators)
  • ** matches any sequence of characters (including path separators)
  • ? matches any single character (excluding path separators)
  • [abc] matches any character (excluding path separators) against characters in brackets
  • {foo,bar,...} matches a sequence of characters, if any of the alternatives in braces matches

To glob test files, pass one or more patterns to the circleci tests glob command.

circleci tests glob "tests/unit/*.java" "tests/functional/*.java"

To check the results of pattern-matching, use the echo command.

# ~/.circleci/config.yml
version: 2
      - image: cimg/<language>:<version TAG>
          username: mydockerhub-user
          password: $DOCKERHUB_PASSWORD  # context / project UI env-var reference
    parallelism: 4
      - run:
          command: |
            echo $(circleci tests glob "foo/**/*" "bar/**/*")
            circleci tests glob "foo/**/*" "bar/**/*" | xargs -n 1 echo

Splitting by timing data

The best way to optimize your test suite across a set of parallel executors is to split your tests using timing data. This will ensure the tests are split in the most even way, leading to a shorter test time.

On each successful run of a test suite, CircleCI saves timings data from the directory specified by the path in the store_test_results step. This timings data consists of how long each test took to complete per filename or classname.

Note: If you do not use store_test_results, there will be no timing data available to split your tests.

To split by test timings, use the --split-by flag with the timings split type. The available timings data will then be analyzed and your tests will be split across your parallel-running containers as evenly as possible.

circleci tests glob "**/*.go" | circleci tests split --split-by=timings

The CLI expects both filenames and classnames to be present in the timing data produced by the testing suite. By default, splitting defaults to filename, but you can specify classnames by using the --timings-type flag.

cat my_java_test_classnames | circleci tests split --split-by=timings --timings-type=classname

For partially found test results, a random small value is assigned to any test with missing timing data. You can override this default value to a specific value with the --time-default flag.

circleci tests glob "**/*.rb" | circleci tests split --split-by=timings --time-default=10s

If you need to manually store and retrieve timing data, use the store_artifacts step.

Note: If no timing data is found, you will receive a message: Error autodetecting timing type, falling back to weighting by name.. The tests will then be split alphabetically by test name.

Splitting by name

By default, if you do not specify a method using the --split-by flag, circleci tests split expects a list of filenames or classnames and splits tests alphabetically by test name. There are a few ways to provide this list:

  • Create a text file with test filenames.
    circleci tests split test_filenames.txt
  • Provide a path to the test files.
    circleci tests split < /path/to/items/to/split
  • Or pipe a glob of test files.
    circleci tests glob "test/**/*.java" | circleci tests split

The CLI looks up the number of available containers, along with the current container index. Then, it uses deterministic splitting algorithms to split the test files across all available containers.

By default, the number of containers is specified by the parallelism key in the project configuration file. You can manually set this by using the --total flag.

circleci tests split --total=4 test_filenames.txt

Similarly, the current container index is automatically picked up from environment variables, but can be manually set by using the --index flag.

circleci tests split --index=0 test_filenames.txt

Splitting by filesize

When provided with filepaths, the CLI can also split by filesize. To do this, use the --split-by flag with the filesize split type.

circleci tests glob "**/*.go" | circleci tests split --split-by=filesize

Running split tests

Globbing and splitting tests does not actually run your tests. To combine test grouping with test execution, consider saving the grouped tests to a file, then passing this file to your test runner.

circleci tests glob "test/**/*.rb" | circleci tests split > /tmp/tests-to-run
bundle exec rspec $(cat /tmp/tests-to-run)

The contents of the file /tmp/tests-to-run will be different in each container, based on $CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX and $CIRCLE_NODE_TOTAL.

Using environment variables to split tests

For full control over how tests are split across parallel executors, CircleCI provides two environment variables that you can use in place of the CLI to configure each container individually. CIRCLE_NODE_TOTAL is the total number of parallel containers being used to run your job, and CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX is the index of the specific container that is currently running. See the built-in environment variable documentation for more details.

Other ways to split tests

Some third party applications and libraries might help you to split your test suite. These applications are not developed or supported by CircleCI. Please check with the owner if you have issues using it with CircleCI. If you’re unable to resolve the issue you can search and ask on our forum, Discuss.

  • Knapsack Pro - Enables allocating tests dynamically across parallel CI nodes, allowing your test suite exection to run faster. See CI build time graph examples.

  • phpunit-finder - This is a helper CLI tool that queries phpunit.xml files to get a list of test filenames and print them. This is useful if you want to split tests to run them in parallel based on timings on CI tools.
  • go list - Use the built-in Go command go list ./... to glob Golang packages. This allows splitting package tests across multiple containers.

    go test -v $(go list ./... | circleci tests split)

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