
Keep up to date with our latest
releases and enhancements.

Release 1.46.3    

  • Fix for a bug that caused UI problems for certain Pull Requests

Release 1.46.2    

  • Minor changes to help debug some esoteric issues.

Release 1.46.1    

  • Fixed layout problems in Safari on Mac.
  • Fixed issue with tag builds interacting with the Auto-Cancel of Redundant Builds setting.
  • Fixed performance of the build page, including awkward interaction when expanding build steps
  • Fixed environment variables not sorting properly in project settings

Release 1.46.0    

  • Note for Admins: we will now block your upgrade if there are pending migrations that need to be performed against your databases.
  • We have changed the default behavior for builds with parallelism set above the current total container count in your build fleet. Previously we would auto-cancel any build with a parallelism above the total number of containers in your fleet. Those builds will now remain in the queue until the fleet is big enough to accommodate their parallelism setting. Builds behind those builds will continue to be bumped ahead, however, so the behavior is somewhat different than normal queuing behaviors, which is a strict FIFO model.
  • New System Settings option to set the maximum parallelism for all projects. This allows you to prevent teams from using more of your fleet than intended.
  • New option to auto-cancel “redundant” builds on a branch - found in the project settings, this new option allows you to set builds on branches other than your default branch to auto-cancel any builds on that same branch already running. This avoids running multiple simultaneous builds on the same working branch if you push several times in quick succession.
  • On the Systems Settings page under Admin you can now enter “Container Tweaks” that will be run whenever containers are started in your build fleet. This feature allows you to make adjustments to the execution environment prior to builds running, so you can save time in each build. Note that these tweaks are only appropriate for things you want to apply to the environment for ALL of your builds.
  • We now parse your circle.yml before the build runs and fail if there are errors. Before, the build would start and errors would be surfaced only once they caused a failure in a running build.
  • Fixed a bug preventing artifacts from being generated in some circumstances after a failed build.
  • The Artifacts API now allows cross-origin requests when requesting specific artifacts. In the past you could do this when using the API to get a list of your artifacts but not for downloading specific artifacts. You can now do both with the API.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented some cases of triggering builds via the API. If you have had problems triggering builds with the API you may need to recycle your build fleet for this fix to take effect.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause problems if someone’s access was removed from a project in GitHub Enterprise but that person’s token was being used by CircleCI Enterprise. Other users should now be able to continue using the project as expected if the original token’s owner no longer has access.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented builds cancelled from the UI from actually cancelling in a timely fashion.
  • Various design improvements such as better notifications and confirmation dialogs when changing various settings, new links on the build page and builds list to make it easier to link directly to specific containers or parts of your build output, better information for builds marked as “Not Run”, hiding some settings that aren’t applicable to Enterprise customers, and various minor improvements and bug fixes.

Release 1.45.1    

  • Fix for an issue that was causing builds to fail that were triggered by users with a github account but no circleci account.

Note: we are shifting our versioning to better reflect the current release semantically.


Release 0.2.45    

  • PR-only builds - We have added functionality to only run builds when a pull request is open. To enable this functionality you can navigate to “Advanced Settings” for your project and enable the “Only build pull requests” option.
  • Chrome notifications - see the docs
  • Fixed a bug where builds triggered by people who don’t have seats in CircleCI Enterprise were not running. They now should run as before.
  • Some UI changes to make updating data in the web interface more consistent.
  • Reliability improvements by changing retry logic in various places.

Release 0.2.43    

New Feature: The maximum size of files that you can upload for caching during builds has been fixed to 5G. The size is now bumped 20G by default on CircleCI Enterprise and customers can also override the default value to even larger size.

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Release 0.2.44    

Bug fix: We’ve fixed a bug that --branch option was missing when --single-branch is used.


Release 0.2.42    

New Feature: Custom base URL for version control webhooks. When a new project is added, CircleCI will add a webhook to the GitHub repository of the project. With this new feature, you can override the default webhook base URL from the System Settings page under the Admin tools (available to designated administrative users). This feature is useful when your instance is behind firewall or other proxy and cannot directly receive webhooks from GitHub.


Release 0.2.41    

This release fixes a bug in the URL structure used to serve build artifacts.

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