
Keep up to date with our latest
releases and enhancements.

Server 4.5.1    

Bug Fixes

  • Fix for issue in runner UI were a resource class may show up as undefined
  • Fixed broken insights UI and API due to missing table data
  • Removed unnecessary ingress
  • Fixed missing CORS for job cancel API endpoints. v1.1 and v2 job cancel endpoints will now work as expected
  • Removed hardcoded notification email in frontend and workflows-conductor services

Server 4.5.0    

Before upgrading

See the CircleCI server 4.5 release notes and upgrade guide for this release.

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Server Release 4.4.0    

Before upgrading

See the CircleCI server 4.4 release notes and upgrade guide for this release.

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Server 4.1.6 and 4.2.2 Release    


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Server Release 4.3.0    

Before Upgrading

See the CircleCI server 4.3 release notes and upgrade guide for this release.

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Release 4.1.0    

Before Upgrading

See the CircleCI server 4.1 release notes for upgrade notes for this release.

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Server Images

Release 3.4.0    

Before Upgrading

See the What’s new in server 3.x doc for upgrade notes for this release.

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Server Images

Release 2.19.00    

What’s New in Release 2.19.00


  • Before upgrading to Server v2.19 your Nomad launch configuration must be updated by following this guide. Server v2.19 uses Nomad version 0.9.3, so if you have externalized Nomad, contact your support engineer before upgrading.

New Features

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Server Images

Release 2.17.00    

What’s New in Release 2.17

Known Issues

There have been reports of our backpressure settings being too aggressive due to lack of nomad garbage collecting, as well as issues with the Vm Service overwhelming AWS API Limits. If you are on 2.17, you should upgrade to 2.17.1.

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Server Images

Release 2.16.00    

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Server Images