
Keep up to date with our latest
releases and enhancements.

Apr 07, 2020

Apr 07, 2020

RAM Disks    

What’s New

We are now making a RAM disk available for our Docker executor at /mnt/ramdisk. This has the potential to significantly speed up certain types of build. For usage, please check the docs.

Apr 06, 2020

Apr 06, 2020

Artifacts Redirects    

What’s New

All non-HTML build artifacts on CircleCI now redirect to short-lived pre-signed cloud storage URLs. This change has been made to improve the performance of our artifacts hosting.

Mar 27, 2020

Mar 27, 2020

Job Approval from the Pipelines List in New UI    

What’s New

You can now manually unblock an approval job from the Pipelines List page in the new UI. Originally this functionality was only available from the Workflows map. Read more about approval jobs here.

Mar 26, 2020

Mar 26, 2020

Xcode 11.4 GM Image Released    

What’s New

Xcode 11.4 (GM) image is released. Read more here.

Mar 26, 2020

Mar 26, 2020

Matrix Job Support    

What’s New

The new matrix stanza allows you to run a parameterized job multiple times with different arguments. Read more about matrix jobs here.

Mar 25, 2020

Mar 25, 2020

Email Notification for Scheduled Workflows    

What’s New

If any of your scheduled workflows become unscheduled for any reason, you will now be notified by email.

Mar 25, 2020

Mar 25, 2020

Xcode 11.4 Image Updated    

What’s New

Xcode 11.4 image has been updated. Read more [here]

Mar 20, 2020

Mar 20, 2020

URL for Onboarding Pages Updated    

What’s New

URLs for onboarding pages have been consolidated for security and improved usability. They now follow this structure:

Mar 19, 2020

Mar 19, 2020

URL for Settings Pages Updated in the New UI    

What’s New

URLs for Settings pages have been consolidated for security and improved usability. They now follow this structure:

Mar 16, 2020

Mar 16, 2020

Release 2.19.01    

What’s New in Release 2.19.01


  • Fixed a bug that was preventing some customers from upgrading due to a schema change in one of our library dependencies.

Mar 16, 2020

Mar 16, 2020

Scheduled Workflows Now Shown as Pipelines    

What’s New

Scheduled workflows are now available as pipelines in both the new UI, and the API.

Mar 12, 2020

Mar 12, 2020

Autocommit and Config Editor Now Live    

What’s New

Autocommit is a new feature that allows you to commit a sample language-specific config direct to a new branch on your repo when adding a project, making it even quicker to start building on CircleCI. You can also edit the config prior to committing. These features are in addition to the option to manually commit a config file.

Mar 12, 2020

Mar 12, 2020

Queue Time and Wait Time Now Available in the New UI    

What’s New

Wait and queue times can now be accessed for each job in the new UI. Hover over the i next to the Duration at the top of the job details page, and the wait time and queue time appear as a tooltip. This information has been added to the new UI to make it easier to get information on edge-case failures in your pipelines.

Mar 12, 2020

Mar 12, 2020

Dynamic Language Sidebar on Project Setup    

What’s New

When adding a new project to CircleCI, the project dashboard sidebar now dynamically displays language-specific docs and guides to help you get started quickly and get the most out of the service.

Mar 09, 2020

Mar 09, 2020

Updated URL Structure for New UI    

What’s New

The new UI URL sub-domain structure has been updated for improved security and usability. The new structure makes it easier for developers to interact with URLs like breadcrumb items.

Mar 06, 2020

Mar 06, 2020

Xcode 11.4 Beta 3 Image Now Available    

What’s New

Read more in our Xcode 11.4 Beta 3 image announcement.

Mar 04, 2020

Mar 04, 2020

Legacy Jobs View Now Available in New UI    

What’s New

The Legacy Jobs view in the new UI provides an overview for all jobs, regardless of whether they have pipeline processing enabled. We are aiming to move all customers over to pipeline processing, and this view has been added to provide the information you need for all projects during this transition period. Access the Legacy Jobs view at the end of the Pipelines List page.

Mar 03, 2020

Mar 03, 2020

March Docker Convenience Image Updates    

What’s New

Read the March update on CircleCI Docker Convenience Images here.

Mar 02, 2020

Mar 02, 2020

Administrator Permissions Changes    

What’s New

CircleCI is making changes for a stricter permissions access. Going forward only GitHub administrators will be able to view and access the following pages in the CircleCI application:

Feb 29, 2020

Feb 29, 2020

Manage Contexts With the CLI    

What’s New

You can now show, create, delete and list Contexts via the CircleCI CLI. Run circleci update to get access to this new Context functionality.

Feb 28, 2020

Feb 28, 2020

New UI navigational breadcrumb Now Includes Project and Branch Name    

What’s New

Project and branch names are now included in the navigational breadcrumb trail in the new UI, placing essential pipeline information in view and making it quicker and easier to navigate to the pages you need.

Feb 27, 2020

Feb 27, 2020

Improved Artifacts Hosting    

What’s New

The way build artifacts are hosted is changing to improve performance. Read our Discuss post for further details.

Feb 24, 2020

Feb 24, 2020

Pipelines Functionality Rollout    

What’s New

From March 9, 2020, CircleCI will begin to enable pipelines for all projects. A pipeline contains all of the workflows (and the jobs inside those workflows) that CircleCI runs after a trigger on your project. A pipeline can be triggered by a pull request, a commit, or even an API call. Read more on our Discuss post.

Feb 24, 2020

Feb 24, 2020

Find (CMD+F) Now Working in the New UI    

What’s New

As we build the new UI, faster page-load is important to us. We initially built the Step Output section to load with react-virtualized, meaning that only the visible rows were rendered. This allowed us to show colorized output with an even faster load/scrolling time than the old UI. In theory it was brilliant, in practice it broke the ability to use native browser search tools like CMD+F to find specific words before or after the rendered text. During user research, we watched many CircleCI users attempt to CMD+F in the Step Output, and not find what we were looking for. As a result we pulled out react-virtualized and enhanced colorized output from the step output. Color we can compromise on, usability we cannot.

Feb 23, 2020

Feb 23, 2020

February Docker Convenience Images Updates    

What’s New

Next-generation Go image, and new base image are now stable. Read more on the Discuss post.

Feb 21, 2020

Feb 21, 2020

Resource Class Now Available in New UI    

What’s New

Resource type and class is now displayed in the new UI for each job. This helps customers optimize pipelines, debug runs that fail due to lack of resources, and identify projects that could build faster with a different resource class.

Feb 18, 2020

Feb 18, 2020

API v2 Insights Endpoints Available at Job Level    

What’s New

Get job run data, including status, credits, and duration, for each individual job within a workflow. More info here.

Feb 14, 2020

Feb 14, 2020

Project Setting Now Live in the New UI    

What’s New

The redesigned Project Settings page is now available in the new UI. Change SSH keys, Environment variables, API permissions, JIRA integrations, and more.

Feb 13, 2020

Feb 13, 2020

Release 2.19.00    

What’s New in Release 2.19.00


  • Before upgrading to Server v2.19 your Nomad launch configuration must be updated by following this guide. Server v2.19 uses Nomad version 0.9.3, so if you have externalized Nomad, contact your support engineer before upgrading.

New Features

Feb 03, 2020

Feb 03, 2020

Machine XL, Machine 2XL, Windows 2XL Resources Now Available on Performance Plan    

What’s New

The following resource classes are now available to customers on the Performance plan: XL and 2XL for the Machine executor, and 2XL for the Windows executor.

Jan 30, 2020

Jan 30, 2020

Deploy to Windows Containers with the Updated Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) Orb    

What’s New

With this update, CircleCI users can deploy directly from their CI/CD pipeline to Windows containers. Read Google’s announcement here.

Visit the GKE orb page for more information.

Jan 16, 2020

Jan 16, 2020

Xcode 11.3.1 available on CircleCI    

What’s New

Customers on the Performance plan and macOS plan can now build using Xcode 11.3.1. See our iOS documentation for the details of software installed in this new image.

Jan 08, 2020

Jan 08, 2020

Organization Settings Now Available in the New UI    

What’s New

The Organization Settings page in the New UI is now live. Organization Settings include contexts, environment variables, security permissions, and VCS integrations.

Jan 02, 2020

Jan 02, 2020

Latest Commit Message Now Available in New UI    

What’s New

The latest commit message for each pipline is now visible on the Pipelines overview page to make identification easier.

Dec 17, 2019

Dec 17, 2019

API v2 is Live    

What’s New

API v2 enables new functionality, such as triggering and retrieving pipelines and workflows via the API. Read more about it in our blog post.

Dec 12, 2019

Dec 12, 2019

Page Through Older Pipelines in New UI    

What’s New

You can now page through older Pipelines using the See More button at the bottom of the Pipelines Page in the new UI. Up until now only the last 20 Pipelines were available. Please note that due to API contraints, paging through older Pipelines will disable the live update of currently running Pipelines on the page.

Dec 12, 2019

Dec 12, 2019

Release 2.18.03    

What’s New in Release 2.18.03


Following our release of Windows support on the hosted offering of CircleCI, running VM-based jobs in Windows environments is now supported on CircleCI Server instances running in AWS.

Dec 06, 2019

Dec 06, 2019

Branch and My Pipelines Filters Now Available in New UI    

What’s New

Branch and “My Pipelines” filter options are now available in the new UI. Both are easily accessible at the top of the Pipelines page. Filter options now include:

Dec 05, 2019

Dec 05, 2019

Workflow Rerun and Cancel Now Available in New UI    

What’s New

You can now cancel and rerun workflows from the Workflow Detail page. Previously this functionality was only available from the Job Detail page. This change was made after data analysis indicated that most users were rerunning workflows from the workflow level rather than the job level on the old UI.

Nov 28, 2019

Nov 28, 2019

Transferring Plans Now Works for Performance Plan    

What’s New

We have fixed a bug that was preventing folks on Performance Plans from transfering ownership to another plan. Please note only org admins can transfer plans.

Nov 22, 2019

Nov 22, 2019

Manual Approval Functionality Available in the New UI    

What’s New

Manual approval of hold jobs is now fully functional in the new UI. To approve a job, click the name of your workflow from either the Job Detail page breadcrumb, or the Pipelines List page to navigate to the Workflow Map. You will see the approval job has a purple status icon. Click the job and a button will pop-up to confirm approval.

Nov 19, 2019

Nov 19, 2019

New Ways to try Pipelines on a Branch    

What’s New

You can now try out Pipelines on an individual branch before switching your whole project over. There are two ways to try this — 1) If you use config version 2.1 your run will now automatically trigger a pipeline. 2) If you want to keep your version 2 config you can use a new key pipelines under experimental in your config.yml it would look like the following:

  pipelines: true

Nov 19, 2019

Nov 19, 2019

Pipeline Values Now Available in your Configuration    

What’s New

New pipeline metadata values can be referenced in your 2.1 configuration. Unlike CIRCLE_ environment values, these pipeline values are available at config processing time, so you could choose to use them in your configuration superstructure outside of jobs. For example, you could use pipeline values as strings for your working_directory or your image key under a job. Read more in our Pipeline Variables guide.

Nov 19, 2019

Nov 19, 2019

New Compatibility Options for CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL    

What’s New

Version 2 config with pipelines enabled will now automatically have the CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL injected into the job configuration. Previously, if you referenced CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL in a version 2 config, then turned on pipelines, it would disappear. This fixes that issue. For version 2.1 config we do not automatically inject CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL. Instead, we have exposed metadata about the pipeline for you to use more granularly. Mosts users end up parsing out CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL, so instead we did that work for you. In version 2.1 config you can now do the following:

Nov 18, 2019

Nov 18, 2019

Release 2.18.02    

What’s New in Release 2.18.02

Bug Fix


Nov 15, 2019

Nov 15, 2019

Workflows Graph Now Available in the New UI    

What’s New

The workflows graph is now available in the new UI, with improvements in the way job connectivity is displayed, compared to the old workflows graph. This core feature displays a visual representation of how jobs fit together within your workflow.

Nov 14, 2019

Nov 14, 2019

Release 2.18.01    

What’s New in Release 2.18.01

  • Introduced configuration for timeouts for the following HTTP calls to GitHub (GHE):
      • Individual configuration for connection timeout, default 5000ms
      • Individual configuration for socket timeout, default 5000ms
      • Individual configuration for receiving connection from connection pool, default 5000ms
      • Single configuration for all of the above timeouts
  • Improved performance and monitoring of output-proceessor

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue with Nomad garbage collection that had the potential to prevent jobs from being run for heavy workloads. This issue was fixed in v2.17.1 but regressed in v2.18.

Nov 12, 2019

Nov 12, 2019

All Rerun Options are Now Available in the New UI    

What’s New

All rerun options - Rerun Workflow, Rerun Workflow from Failed, and Rerun Job with SSH – are now available from the Job Details page in the new UI.

Nov 04, 2019

Nov 04, 2019

Secret Masking Enabled for All    

What’s New

Secret masking has now been enabled for 100% of our customers. To read more about the new secret masking feature, read our blog post.

Oct 30, 2019

Oct 30, 2019

Release 2.18.00    

What’s New in Release 2.18

Upgrading your installation

Our upgrade guide takes you step by step through the process of upgrading to the latest version of CircleCI Server, including any checks and updates required before starting the upgrade process.