
Keep up to date with our latest
releases and enhancements.

Removed support for Release Agent versions older than v1.0.0    

We have removed support for Release Agent versions older than v1.0.0. Users who haven’t updated their agent will no longer see their components or releases in the UI until they upgrade to the latest version.

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Launch Agent 1.x Variants EOL    

We will end support for all 1.x variants of runner launch agent on July 31st 2024. It has been replaced with Machine Runner 3.0. You can learn more about machine runner and migration here.


Open Policy Agent updated to v0.63    

Open policy agent for config policies has been bumped from v0.54 to v0.63.

Server 4.4.3    

Change Log

  • updated task agent version
  • bug fixes for oidc-service

New projects will handle commit statuses for job names with "/" characters correctly    

If a job name contains a “/” character (ie. “foo/bar”), CircleCI will correctly set the VCS commit status for the full job name as opposed to only the part after the “/”. This update applies to new projects created on or after April 5, 2024. Projects created before April 5, 2024 are not impacted.

If your project was created before April 5, 2024 and your job name has a “/” in its name, email to have the new behavior enabled for your project.

Server 4.3.4    


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Server 4.4.2    


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"Stop Building" button now turns gray after clicking    

The “Stop Building” button in Project Settings now turns gray after it is clicked to avoid confusion on whether any action occurred.

Changes to how outliers are calculated on Insights    

The methodology that is used to calculate outliers in CircleCI’s Insights offering has been updated to be more accurate.

Duplicate workflows no longer shown within UI    

We’ve resolved the issue where the UI displayed duplicate workflows on the Dashboard page.