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Release 3.4.2

Jun 15, 2022

Before Upgrading

See the What’s new in server 3.x doc for upgrade notes for this release.

What’s New in Release 3.4.2


  • Links and redirects within the CircleCI server web app now correctly send users to their server login page. Previously, these links were directing people to the CircleCI cloud login page.
  • Improvements to the user experience when upgrading and migrating server versions.
  • Root volumes created by VM service are now tagged with the custom tag set for instances in the KOTS admin console. This covers machine executor and remote Docker VMs.
  • A bug was fixed that was presenting users who need to re-autorize with a 404.
  • CircleCI cloud marketing items have been removed.

Known Issues

  • Vault may not refresh its client token after a month of uptime.
  • Before upgrading to v3.4.x delete the deployment named circleci-server-kube-state-metrics.
  • Prometheus is broken in KOTS versions 1.65.0 - 1.67.0. If you rely on this feature, do not upgrade your KOTS version until this issue has been resolved.
  • Retry with SSH for jobs using the machine executor advertises a private IP address. For this reason, retry with SSH for jobs using the machine executor works as standard for private installations, but for public installs you would need to ensure that you can access the private IP advertised. For example, by using a VPN into your VPC.
  • CircleCI 1.0 builds are not supported. If an attempt is made to run a 1.0 build, no feedback will be available in the application to indicate the cause of the issue. If a build is run on your installation and does not show up in the CircleCI application, users should be directed to use the CircleCI CLI to validate the project configuration and get details of the possible cause of the issue.
  • The KOTS admin console cannot be upgraded if your installation is set up to be behind a proxy. The proxy settings will be deleted and cause the KOTS admin console to break.

To learn more about Server 3.x installation, migration, or operations please see our documentation.

>Previous changes

Jun 15, 2022

Jun 10, 2022

Jun 10, 2022

Xcode 14 Beta 1