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Release 2.19.01

Mar 16, 2020

What’s New in Release 2.19.01


  • Fixed a bug that was preventing some customers from upgrading due to a schema change in one of our library dependencies.

  • Fixed a bug that was preventing some customers from inspecting builds via SSH due to a logic change in our build agent.

Known Issues

  • If you are using an HTTP proxy for your installation, do not upgrade to v2.19.01, instead upgrade to at least v2.19.02. We have known issues around job step logging and docker commands customization that makes the v2.19.01 release incompatible with an HTTP proxy setup of CircleCI Server.

  • If any changes have been made to your networking configuration you may need to run the following steps to ensure you can use SSH to inspect your builds:

    • For customers using AWS, make sure that you have the latest Launch Configuration configured for Nomad clients, and that exiting Nomad clients were spun up using the Launch Configuration.
    • On each Nomad Client machine, create /etc/circleci/public-ipv4
    • This file should contain the public (if aplicable) or private IP of the nomad client

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