
Keep up to date with our latest
releases and enhancements.

Feb 16, 2022

Feb 16, 2022

Enlarge embedded images by a click    

What’s New

When you view images in the CircleCI technical documentation, you can now click on the image to enlarge. This will particularly help you with content heavy images that are difficult to read in the embedded size, and provides additional accessibility support in our documentation

Feb 16, 2022

Feb 16, 2022

Revamped code snippets in CircleCI documentation    

What’s New

We have added a new theme for code snippets in our technical documentation. Since the new theme matches the in-app theme, you should have an easier time navigating back and forth between the CircleCI documentation and the CircleCI app.

Feb 16, 2022

Feb 16, 2022

Dedicated hosts for macOS    

What’s New

Dedicated hosts for macOS are now available on CircleCI. This new layer of support is built exclusively for macOS and offers Apple developers unprecedented storage, security, and testing capabilities on CircleCI. By reserving a dedicated host, teams can unlock access to a bare metal instance that provides exclusive access to an entire host machine with 200GB of storage for 24 hours.

Feb 15, 2022

Feb 15, 2022

macOS on free plans    

What’s New

We are excited to announce that access to our macOS executor is now available on our free plan. Apple developers can now start building apps for iOS, macOS, tvOS, or watchOS devices, regardless of which plan they’re on.

Feb 10, 2022

Feb 10, 2022

2022 February windows images update    

What’s New

A new update has been released for Windows images, including minor updates to Visual Studio and Go. This update also includes the latest patches from Microsoft.

For more information on this update, please see the Discuss post.

Feb 03, 2022

Feb 03, 2022

2022 Q1 Linux image updates    

What’s New

A new update has been released for the standard 20.04 Linux images for both amd64 and arm64.

Feb 03, 2022

Feb 03, 2022

Timing tab shows the longest step in a job    

What’s New

In the timing tab, the 3 longest steps in a job are displayed, with other steps per parallel run. With this enhanced view, you can better understand which steps are the longest in the job so you can investigate or improve your job’s speed and efficiency.

Jan 31, 2022

Jan 31, 2022

Docs site UI/UX updates    

What’s New

The CircleCI Docs site has been updated with the following new features to improve usability and readability:

  • Documentation statistics
  • Progress bar
  • Read time
  • Last updated date
  • Request a language in the language selector

Jan 31, 2022

Jan 31, 2022

Next-gen Clojure convenience image    

What’s New

The new Clojure Convenience Image (‘cimg/clojure’) is now generally available. This image replaces the soon-to-be-deprecated legacy image (‘circleci/clojure’).

Jan 28, 2022

Jan 28, 2022

New IP ranges GA    

What’s New

The IP ranges feature is now generally available to all customers on a Performance or Scale plan. This feature is designed for customers who need to configure IP-based access to their restricted environments. As part of this feature, CircleCI provides a list of well-defined IP addresses associated with the CircleCI service. CircleCI jobs that have this feature enabled will have their traffic routed through one of these defined IP addresses.

Jan 20, 2022

Jan 20, 2022

New Insights public APIs    

What’s New

CircleCI has just release 7 new Insights API endpoints to improve pipeline observability and tracking. You can now access even more insights features such as:

Jan 20, 2022

Jan 20, 2022

Release 3.3.0    

Before Upgrading

See the What’s new in server 3.x doc for upgrade notes for this release.

Jan 19, 2022

Jan 19, 2022

Windows 2019 image update    

What’s New

We have released a new image update for Windows, in addition to an update for Visual Studio 2019 You can access these updates via our “edge” tags.

Jan 14, 2022

Jan 14, 2022

Toggle outlier values    

What’s New

You may now hide outlier values in your Most Recent Workflow Runs chart in Insights, giving you more control over how you would like your data to be displayed.

Jan 14, 2022

Jan 14, 2022

Updated usage controls to help minimize credits wasted on unregistered users.    

What’s New

Your organization will now be able to take advantage of updated usage controls, which can reduce credits wasted on actions run by unregistered users. This is a function available on your CircleCI dashboard and can be enabled/disabled by your account admin.

Jan 11, 2022

Jan 11, 2022

Free plan updates    

What’s New

We have made some exciting updates to our free plan, including giving teams more build minutes and access to our most popular features formerly only available on paid plans.

Dec 17, 2021

Dec 17, 2021

Increase in storage available for jobs that use the Windows executor    

What’s New

When you use our Windows executors, you may now take advantage of a larger disk size of 200 GB. This increase in storage size unlocks scenarios where you may wish to download large amounts of software during job execution (ie. gaming engines).

Dec 17, 2021

Dec 17, 2021

Underlying OS upgrade for jobs that use the Docker executor    

What’s New

On December 7, 2021; CircleCI upgraded the underlying operating system used to run customer containers as part of the Docker executor on CircleCI Cloud. This change is critical to ensuring the underlying infrastructure that runs your jobs continues to provide reliable and performant execution.

Dec 15, 2021

Dec 15, 2021

Gen2 mac resources    

What’s New

We have released a new generation of macOS resources. These new resources can speed up builds by up to 50%, and are available to customers on Performance, Custom, and Scale plans.

Dec 15, 2021

Dec 15, 2021

Release 2.19.13    

What’s New in Release 2.19.13


In March 2022 updates to CircleCI server v2.x will stop. Support for customers using CircleCI server v2.x will continue.

Dec 15, 2021

Dec 15, 2021

SSH reruns as workflows    

What’s New

SSH reruns have historically been run as independent jobs, rather than as part of a workflow. This makes those jobs difficult to track and manage, causing them to block customers with limited concurrency. We are now running SSH reruns as workflow reruns, so they will appear in the same way that “rerun from failed” workflows appear.

Dec 15, 2021

Dec 15, 2021

Release 3.2.2    

Before Upgrading

See the What’s new in server 3.x doc for upgrade notes for this release.

Dec 08, 2021

Dec 08, 2021

Xcode 13.2 RC image    

What’s New

The Xcode 13.2 RC image is now available on our macOS resource classes. For further information about this image, please see the Image Manifest and the Discuss post for details.

Dec 07, 2021

Dec 07, 2021

Private orbs UI    

What’s New

You can now interact with private orbs via the CircleCI web app. A list of your organization’s orbs has been added on the Organization Settings page, and new private orb details pages that open in the orb registry have also been added as part of this release. The orbs list shows all public and private orbs authored by your organization / in your organization’s namespace(s), while the private orb details pages open in the Orbs registry and are flagged with a new “private” badge. Please note you will only be able to see these pages if you are logged in and authenticated; if you are not logged in, you will receive a 404 error.

Dec 07, 2021

Dec 07, 2021

Docker resource utilization graphs    

What’s New

You can now review the CPU & memory utilization for docker jobs on CircleCI’s hosted cloud compute. A new Resources tab on the job details page displays this data and easy-to-consume graphs for docker jobs.

Dec 06, 2021

Dec 06, 2021

Updated remote docker image    

What’s New

A new remote docker version (v20.10.11) has been released and is now available for use.

Dec 06, 2021

Dec 06, 2021

2021 Q4 Linux image updates    

What’s New

CircleCI’s quarterly Linux machine images are now available. The following updated Ubuntu 20.04 images are available for both amd64 and arm64:

Dec 02, 2021

Dec 02, 2021

Test parallelism timing experience - GA    

What’s New

The test parallelism timing experience feature is now generally available and enables you to view information on parallel test times and bottlenecks so you can take this information and act on it to run your tests faster.

Dec 01, 2021

Dec 01, 2021

Next-gen MySQL convenience image beta    

What’s New

The new MySQL convenience image cimg/mysql is now in Beta. This image is designed to replace circleci/mysql which will soon be deprecated. We are actibely looking feedback from users during the Beta period.

Nov 30, 2021

Nov 30, 2021

Downloadable Usage Reports for Performance Plans    

What’s New

You may now download multi-period reports in CSV format showing usage across Projects, Resource classes and User seats in dollar amounts and credits.

This feature will enable you to review and visualize your spend, credit consumption and opportunities for optimizing your investment in CircleCI.

Nov 23, 2021

Nov 23, 2021

Scheduled pipelines    

What’s New

Scheduling work within CircleCI is an important way for you to run pipelines. In addition to periodic rebuilds of the application, scheduled pipelines can be useful for security scans and certain utility jobs such as restarting services.

Nov 22, 2021

Nov 22, 2021

Scheduled pipelines open preview (UI only)    

What’s New

The UI for scheduled pipelines is now in open preview. You can find it in the “Triggers” section of the project settings.

Nov 19, 2021

Nov 19, 2021

Test parallelism timing experience    

What’s New

This update enables you to view information on parallel test times and bottlenecks so you can take this information and act on it to run your tests faster.

Nov 12, 2021

Nov 12, 2021

IP ranges bug fixed    

What’s New

Jobs that enabled IP ranges had a known limitation which caused them to receive TCP reset (RST) packets intermittently when uploading/downloading files larger than ~10 MB from a destination hosted by the CDN Fastly. CircleCI resolved this issue and is using a technical workaround.

Nov 12, 2021

Nov 12, 2021

Kernel version update    

What’s New

CircleCI is upgrading the kernel version of the operating system used to run customer containers as part of the Docker executor on CircleCI. This change is critical to ensuring the underlying infrastructure that runs your jobs continues to provide reliable and performant execution.

Nov 11, 2021

Nov 11, 2021

SSH reruns for Runner    

What’s New

SSH reruns are now supported for Runner jobs. Although you have been able to SSH into cloud jobs to debug and inspect the system during and after the run, you may now use these same techniques for your Runner jobs.

Nov 10, 2021

Nov 10, 2021

Next-Gen MariaDB Convenience Image Beta    

What’s New

The new MariaDB convenience image cimg/mariadb is now in Beta. This image is designed to replace circleci/mariadb which will soon be deprecated. During this Beta perios, we are looking for feedback.

Nov 10, 2021

Nov 10, 2021

Next-Gen Redis Convenience Image Beta    

What’s New

The new Redis convenience image cimg/redis is now in Beta. This image is designed to replace circleci/redis which will soon be deprecated. During this Beta periodwWe are looking for feedback from users.

Nov 04, 2021

Nov 04, 2021

Release 3.2.1    

Before Upgrading

See the What’s new in server 3.x doc for upgrade notes for this release.

Oct 29, 2021

Oct 29, 2021

Orb information for private orbs    

What’s New

If you use the CircleCI CLI, you may now use the CLI to run orb information for private orbs.

Oct 28, 2021

Oct 28, 2021

Public build pages    

What’s New

Many customers have expressed concerns about the permissions required for an account, especially if they are collaborators on public projects and do not use CircleCI outside of viewing pipeline results. This makes CircleCI less desirable compared to alternatives like GitHub Actions.

Oct 27, 2021

Oct 27, 2021

Orbs list    

What’s New

Many customers have been asking for an easy way to manage the orbs they’ve authored, both public or private. To meet this need, we are rolling out a set of orbs usability enhancements inside the Circle app.

Oct 27, 2021

Oct 27, 2021

Scheduled pipelines open preview (API only)    

What’s New

Scheduling within CircleCI is an important way for you to run pipelines. In addition to periodic rebuilds of the application, schedules are useful for security scans and certain utility jobs such as restarting services.

Oct 26, 2021

Oct 26, 2021

Test insights GA    

What’s New

Insights now provides visibility into test suite performance via Test Insights. Engineering teams can improve their delivery efficiency using this feature by retrieveing snapshots of test performance, which can be used to identify their slowest and most error-prone tests acorss development branches. CircleCI has also extended the look-back window so users have the best opportunity to optimize and improve test runs.

Oct 26, 2021

Oct 26, 2021

Automatic Flaky Test Detection    

What’s New

Test Insights now automatically detects and labels non-deterministic (flaky) tests. You can now save valuable developer time, save credits, and stabilize your test suites. These types of tests are labeled “FLAKY”, making these tests much easier to scan for on the Insights dashboard.

Oct 25, 2021

Oct 25, 2021

Windows executor image update    

What’s New

The Windows executor images have been updated for October. This update includes .NET 5 and Python 3.9, which include the latest patches from Microsoft, in addition to a renewed Visual Studio 30-day license.

Oct 22, 2021

Oct 22, 2021

Legacy image deprecation    

What’s New

CircleCI will be deprecating all legacy convenience images on December 31, 2021 and moving to supporting only next-gen convenience images. This change is being made to better serve our customers, while ensuring that these next-gen convenience images are consistently reliable. The next-gen CircleCI convenience images are designed from the ground up for an execution environment, and designed to be faster, more efficient, and most importantly, more reliable.

Oct 21, 2021

Oct 21, 2021

Next-gen PostgreSQL convenience image    

What’s New

The new PostgreSQL convenience image (cimg/postgres) is now generally available. This image replaces the soon-to-be deprecated legacy image (circleci/postgres).

Oct 21, 2021

Oct 21, 2021

Next-gen Android convenience image    

What’s New

The new Android convenience image (cimg/android) is now generally available. This image replaces the soon-to-be deprecated legacy image (circleci/android).

Oct 21, 2021

Oct 21, 2021

Linux CUDA image update    

What’s New

This Linux update adds an updated Ubuntu Linux/Nvidia CUDA image. The new image ubuntu-2004-cuda-11.4:202110-01 contains CUDA v11.4.2, Docker v20.10.7, and Nvidia Container Toolkit v1.5.1.