
Keep up to date with our latest
releases and enhancements.

Feb 18, 2021

Feb 18, 2021

Configuration Editor Expansion    

What’s New

CircleCI’s in-app configuration editor makes it quick and easy to resolve errors and write your config file. Features include:

Feb 10, 2021

Feb 10, 2021

New Remote Docker Versions    

What’s New

Two new versions of Remote Docker (v19.03.14 and v20.10.2) have been released and are now available for use.

Feb 05, 2021

Feb 05, 2021

Faster Git Checkouts    

What’s New

You will now see a faster checkout step in your CircleCI jobs. The built-in checkout step now does a git clone without checkout, followed by checking out the branch (overwriting existing) at the SHA received from the VCS provider. In addition to speeding up the checkouts, a number of Git checkout-related issues have been resolved, resulting in improved reliability of the checkout step.

Feb 04, 2021

Feb 04, 2021

Invite Team Button    

What’s New

On a project-specific Pipelines page, there is now a link where you can invite a new team member to the project. When you click this button, a modal pops-up where you can copy a link to the Project page. Any team member who then opens the copied link will auto-follow the project. This feature helps you to get more of your teammates onboard and building with you on CircleCI.

Feb 04, 2021

Feb 04, 2021

Test Output Boxes Now Black    

What’s New

When you navigate to the Tests tab of a job page with failing tests, the output boxes used to have a light grey background with black text. These output boxes now have a black background with white text to match the output boxes in the Steps tab. This change addresses requests from users who dislike reading long outputs on lighter backgrounds.

Feb 04, 2021

Feb 04, 2021

Tooltip Updates    

What’s New

We have introduced a few new tooltips to improve your experience on the platform:

Feb 01, 2021

Feb 01, 2021

Arm Resources on CircleCI    

What’s New

We have initiated a preview of hosted Arm resources on CircleCI. Arm is an architecture that is quickly gaining traction for server workloads. Organizations choose Arm because of its faster performance, which results in faster workloads and significant cost savings compared to x86-based architectures. An essential piece of migrating workloads to Arm is having Arm support in your CI system. If you are on a usage-based plan, including the Free plan, you may request access to the Arm preview. We are making two arm64 resources available: arm.medium and arm.large.

Feb 01, 2021

Feb 01, 2021

Overlay2/XFS filesystem on all Docker jobs    

What’s New

As a part of a regular update, we are rolling out a change to the filesystem in the machines that all Docker executor jobs run on. The filesystem the Docker jobs use will now be XFS with the Overlay2 storage driver. Initial metrics of this change suggest faster and more reliable build times. You will not need to make any changes to take advantage of this update.

Feb 01, 2021

Feb 01, 2021

Failed tests listed above tabs    

What’s New

If you have configurations set up to collect test metadata, you will now have an easier time understanding what tests may have failed. On each Job page with a failed test, there is now a box above the steps/tests/artifacts tabs with a summary of how many tests failed, how many tests ran, and links to the names of each test that failed. The links jump to the output of the test failure further down the page. There is also a copy button to the right of each name if you would like to copy the name and rerun it in your personal IDE.

Feb 01, 2021

Feb 01, 2021

2021 Q1 Linux Image Updates    

What’s New

The software for the standard Linux Ubuntu 16.04 and 20.04 images has been upgraded to support amd64 and arm64 images. The ARM image specifically is still under preview with overall CircleCI ARM support. The standard images are GA releases.

Jan 29, 2021

Jan 29, 2021

Link to Config and Project Settings from Insights    

Jan 22, 2021

Jan 22, 2021

Persisting Selected Branches    

What’s New

Insights now persists the current branch when navigating from the pipelines or workflow runs pages. The dashboard displays the current/selected branch instead of defaulting to main. Similarly, on the Insights dashboard, changing workflows on a given branch no longer results in the branch reverting to main.

Jan 22, 2021

Jan 22, 2021

Job Trends    

Jan 19, 2021

Jan 19, 2021

Release 2.19.11    

What’s New in Release 2.19.11


  • Fixed a bug that didn’t allow more than 50 aliases in a configuration

Known Issues

  • On static (non-AWS) installations with NONE selected under storage driver settings, tests can be split only by file name or file size. If a user attempts to split tests by timing data, static instances will split them by file name instead.
  • If any changes have been made to your networking configuration from the default, you should run the following steps to ensure you can use SSH to inspect your builds (for further information on SSH reruns see the SSH Rerun Guide):
    • For customers using AWS, make sure that you have the latest Launch Configuration configured for Nomad clients, and that exiting Nomad clients were spun up using the Launch Configuration.
    • On each Nomad Client machine, create /etc/circleci/public-ipv4
    • This file should contain the public (if applicable) or private IP of the nomad client

Jan 15, 2021

Jan 15, 2021

Concurrency and Parallelism Limits Update    

What’s New

Concurrency and parallelism limits have been increased from 40x to 80x for all new and existing Performance Plan customers.

Jan 13, 2021

Jan 13, 2021

Job Insights Export    

What’s New

You may now export the jobs table from the Insights dashboard as a CSV file. Downloaded reports can be used to run additional offline analysis or share with coworkers.

Jan 13, 2021

Jan 13, 2021

Workflow Trends    

Jan 08, 2021

Jan 08, 2021

SSH DSA Keys No Longer Accepted    

What’s New

You will now be unable to add SSH DSA keys to projects. Please note that SSH has defaulted to RSA keys for a long period of time and DSA keys have been deprecated. The error message that appears when trying to add a key of this type is unsupported key type: ssh-dss. If you experience this error, please use a more modern supported key type (RSA, ECDSA etc).

Dec 22, 2020

Dec 22, 2020

GPU Linux Machine Images    

What’s New

The GPU Linux machine images have been updated. Images for CUDA v10.2 and v11.1 are now available as ubuntu-1604-cuda-10.2:202012-01 and ubuntu-1604-cuda-11.1:202012-01.

Dec 15, 2020

Dec 15, 2020

Managing Network Storage and Usage    

What’s New

You will now be able to access a granular view of your network transfer and storage usage on the Plan Usage page. Storage consists of stored artifacts, workspaces and caches that are core to the CircleCI platform experience, while network captures data transfer such as retrieving a cache in a subsequent job or uploading the job’s artifacts. This change allows you to have more visibility, granularity and control over usage. For more information, including self-serve strategies for optimization, please refer to the Managing Network and Storage Use page for more information.

Dec 15, 2020

Dec 15, 2020

Release 2.19.10    

What’s New in Release 2.19.10


  • Fixed a bug that caused ‘git checkout’ to fail in go-git.
  • Fixed a bug in the YAML parser in picard dispatcher to support config-str to have more than 50 YAML aliases.
  • Fixed a bug where s3 retention policy deleted test results from an older job.
  • Reduced the likelihood of ‘out-of-sequence’ commit statuses.
  • General security updates.

Known Issues

  • On static (non-AWS) installations with NONE selected under storage driver settings, tests can be split only by file name or file size. If a user attempts to split tests by timing data, static instances will split them by file name instead.
  • If any changes have been made to your networking configuration from the default, you should run the following steps to ensure you can use SSH to inspect your builds (for further information on SSH reruns see the SSH Rerun Guide):
    • For customers using AWS, make sure that you have the latest Launch Configuration configured for Nomad clients, and that exiting Nomad clients were spun up using the Launch Configuration.
    • On each Nomad Client machine, create /etc/circleci/public-ipv4
    • This file should contain the public (if applicable) or private IP of the nomad client

Nov 26, 2020

Nov 26, 2020

CircleCI and GitHub Default Branch    

What’s New

If you change your default branch on GitHub, CircleCI will pick up that change and update the default branch for the project the next time you push some code. This is a bug fix – previously, changes to the default branch would not be picked up. This fix is retroactive and self-healing.

Nov 26, 2020

Nov 26, 2020

SSH Key Support    

What’s New

You can now add any combination of SSH key cipher / encoding. Specifically, we now support the ed25519 cipher, openssh encoding, and keys are not restricted to using the older (now non-default) PEM encoding. For more information, see the SSH keys guide in our docs.

Nov 20, 2020

Nov 20, 2020

Legacy Jobs Redirect to Non-Legacy    

What’s New

When opening a job from the Legacy (jobs-based) run view, if the job has Pipeline data, it will now redirect from the legacy job view without pipeline data to the new UI view. Many cusomers use the legacy jobs-based view to find old SSH jobs, so this helps get to a page where they can cancel these jobs faster.

Nov 19, 2020

Nov 19, 2020

Release 2.19.09    

What’s New in Release 2.19.09


  • Better handling of non-alphanumeric characters in authentication passwords for Docker executors. Fixed a bug that was preventing the use of ~ and ? in the Docker ID password field under the auth key.
  • General security updates.

Known Issues

  • On static (non-AWS) installations with NONE selected under storage driver settings, tests can be split only by file name or file size. If a user attempts to split tests by timing data, static instances will split them by file name instead.
  • If any changes have been made to your networking configuration from the default, you should run the following steps to ensure you can use SSH to inspect your builds (for further information on SSH reruns see the SSH Rerun Guide):
    • For customers using AWS, make sure that you have the latest Launch Configuration configured for Nomad clients, and that exiting Nomad clients were spun up using the Launch Configuration.
    • On each Nomad Client machine, create /etc/circleci/public-ipv4
    • This file should contain the public (if applicable) or private IP of the nomad client

Nov 17, 2020

Nov 17, 2020

CircleCI Runners    

What’s New

The runner feature is now available to customers on the Scale plan. Using runners, you can run private workloads using your own infrastructure while also using CircleCI’s cloud offering. Organizations can also use runners to build on specialized hardware. Learn more about runners in the Runner Overview doc.

Nov 17, 2020

Nov 17, 2020

Scale Plan    

What’s New

The Scale plan is now available, providing improved support for enterprise organisations, including access to self-hosted runners, custom concurrency limits, our largest compute resouces and customizable annual billing options.

Nov 17, 2020

Nov 17, 2020

Collapsable Error Messages on Pipelines Page    

What’s New

We have improved the error experience on the Pipelines Dashaboard by surfacing the main error and collapsing the details. This allows for quick scan accessibility, reduces visual clutter, and makes for a more consumable format instead of the full stack trace.

Nov 16, 2020

Nov 16, 2020

Visual Explanation of Hierarchy    

What’s New

When a new organization has less than 20 pipeline runs within an project, a diagram is displayed to explain the concepts of job vs. workflow vs. pipeline.

Nov 16, 2020

Nov 16, 2020

Pipelines Page now Dashboard    

What’s New

The “Pipelines” link in the CircleCI app sidebar, which leads to the cross-project Pipelines view, is now called the “Dashboard” for a clearer route back to viewing all your runs in one place.

Nov 13, 2020

Nov 13, 2020

Insights Time Filters    

What’s New

A selection of time filters have been added to the Insights workflow overview in the CircleCI app. You can now look at 24 hour, or 7/30/60/90 day time windows when reviewing your workflows Insights. Configurable time range is the most popular request on our ideas board, and we are excited to deliver a feature that gives you more granular control over your data.

Nov 03, 2020

Nov 03, 2020

New PHP Docker Convenience Image    

What’s New

A new PHP convenience image has been published. For more infomation see our discuss post.

Oct 30, 2020

Oct 30, 2020

Docker Hub Authenticated Pulls    

What’s New

CircleCI has partnered with Docker to ensure that our users can continue to access Docker Hub without rate limits. As of November 1st 2020, with few exceptions, CircleCI customers should not be impacted by any rate limits when pulling images from Docker Hub. Learn more in our Docker Authenticated Pulls doc.

Oct 29, 2020

Oct 29, 2020

Insights Dashboard Project Picker    

What’s New

You can now easily filter the projects you wish to view on the Insights dashboard page in the UI. This makes navigation easier, allowing you to easily find and view the projects you care about.

Oct 22, 2020

Oct 22, 2020

Follow and Unfollow Projects from Pipelines Dashboard    

What’s New

You can now follow and unfollow projects within your organization directly from the Pipelines dashboard. Previously all follow/unfollow options were only available through a redirect to the Add Projects page.

Oct 21, 2020

Oct 21, 2020

Job Links are now Blue on Pipelines Dashboard    

Oct 21, 2020

Oct 21, 2020

Import Env Vars in Project Settings    

What’s New

All organizations can now import environment variables from one project to another, as an alternative to using contexts to share them. This functionality was present on the old UI but initially not released on the new UI. All users can now access it by navigating to “Environment Variables” within project settings.

Oct 21, 2020

Oct 21, 2020

Refill Change on Performance Plan    

What’s New

Performance plan credit refills will now be triggered at 2% and refills will be no smaller than 25,000 credits (or 25%). For more information see our billing FAQs.

Oct 20, 2020

Oct 20, 2020

New Machine Images    

What’s New

New Ubuntu 16.04 and 20.04 Linux machine images are now available. For more information, and usage examples, see our discuss post.

Oct 15, 2020

Oct 15, 2020

Release 2.19.08    

What’s New in Release 2.19.08


  • Fixed a bug that was causing parallelism to fail for static installations with NONE selected under storage driver settings.

Known Issues

  • On static (non-AWS) installations with NONE selected under storage driver settings, tests can be split only by file name or file size. If a user attempts to split tests by timing data, static instances will split them by file name instead.
  • If any changes have been made to your networking configuration from the default, you should run the following steps to ensure you can use SSH to inspect your builds (for further information on SSH reruns see the SSH Rerun Guide):
    • For customers using AWS, make sure that you have the latest Launch Configuration configured for Nomad clients, and that exiting Nomad clients were spun up using the Launch Configuration.
    • On each Nomad Client machine, create /etc/circleci/public-ipv4
    • This file should contain the public (if applicable) or private IP of the nomad client

Oct 09, 2020

Oct 09, 2020

Configuration Validator added to In-App Editor    

What’s New

Configuration validation is now available in the in-app config editor to visually show config status at the point of adding a config to your project.

Oct 09, 2020

Oct 09, 2020

Bitbucket API Deprecation Update    

What’s New

Bitbucket announced the deprecation of its /2.0/teams and most /2.0/users endpoints and some response fields as part of its transition to their new “workspaces” domain model and API. Workspaces will replace teams; both of these concepts map directly to orgs in CircleCI. There should be no impact to customers.

Oct 08, 2020

Oct 08, 2020

Missing Ubuntu 14.04 AMIs in us-west-1    

It has come to our attention that an Ubuntu 14.04 AMI in us-west-1 has become inaccessible. If you are using this AMI you should move your Nomad clients to ami-0c7b2a20526d0c5ff. For information on supplying AMIs for your installation, see the VM Service guide.

If you are still running Ubuntu 14.04 please contact us to migrate to Ubuntu 16.04.

Oct 06, 2020

Oct 06, 2020

Auto-Collapse Pipelines Toggle    

What’s New

You can now toggle the auto-expand pipleines options on or off in the top-right corner of the pipelines dashboard. This is especially useful if you have pipelines containing many jobs, giving the advantage of keeping these pipelines collapsed, and if you have pipelines containing a small number of jobs you may prefer the auto-expand option.

Oct 01, 2020

Oct 01, 2020

Insights Dashboard    

What’s New

The new Insights dashboard offers engineering teams access to actionable data for optimizing pipelines and getting even more out of CircleCI. With this feature, engineering teams will be better able to understand bottlenecks and identify optimization opportunities. Teams will be able to track workflow & job status, monitor duration and understand their pipeline throughput & mean time to recovery. Finally, Insights will serve to highlight the impact of more efficient CI/CD and to foster a better relationship with customers and provide a better experience. For more information, see the Using Insights guide.

Sep 17, 2020

Sep 17, 2020

Release 2.19.07    

What’s New in Release 2.19.07


  • Fixed a bug that was preventing authentication to China region ECR images in the docker executor.
  • Removed the recursive chown from startup of the fileserverd service. In instances of heavy usage this was causing the startup process to take a long time, or in some cases, startup was blocked.

Known Issues

  • If any changes have been made to your networking configuration from the default, you should run the following steps to ensure you can use SSH to inspect your builds (for further information on SSH reruns see the SSH Rerun Guide):
    • For customers using AWS, make sure that you have the latest Launch Configuration configured for Nomad clients, and that exiting Nomad clients were spun up using the Launch Configuration.
    • On each Nomad Client machine, create /etc/circleci/public-ipv4
    • This file should contain the public (if applicable) or private IP of the nomad client

Sep 15, 2020

Sep 15, 2020

Automated Custom Plan    

What’s New

The new Custom Plan will automatically track your usage, be able to provide real-time credit usage and balance information, and produce reports to accounting for invoicing. You will also be able to use user seats and be billed via credits for the usage.

Sep 14, 2020

Sep 14, 2020

Additional Triggers for PRs via API    

What’s New

Pipelines can now be triggered via the API for PRs (using PR number instead of branch), PR merge commits, and Forked PRs. This enables you to more easily validate new code from PRs. Triggering on PRs and PR merge commits offers the ability to better validate PRs in a programmatic way. Triggering pipelines on forked PRs is valuable for customers who have open source repositories that are frequently forked.

Aug 27, 2020

Aug 27, 2020

Commit SHA Link on Pipelines Page    

Aug 25, 2020

Aug 25, 2020

Developer Hub    

What’s New

We now offer a way for our user community to find all the best CI/CD config optimizations, migration guides/tools, and CircleCI docs, along with assets like CI configuration packages through CircleCI orbs and a newly designed Docker convenience image library, in one convenient place on our new developer hub. Check out the announcement here.