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New fields being introduced to Usage API

Aug 06, 2024


Three new fields will be introduced to the Usage API on August 23, 2024 to help you better understand how your builds are running. These fields are:

  • job_run_queued_at: the timestamp (UTC) of when the job started to queue (if applicable)
  • job_run_started_at: the timestamp (UTC) of when the job started to run
  • job_run_stopped_at: the timestamp (UTC) of when the job stopped (only logged for success and failed job build statuses)

These three new fields will be introduced into the CSV output in the order above immediately following the job_run_date and prior to the job_build_status fields.

NOTE: If you have an automated ingestion process that relies on the format of the CSV remaining consistent, please update your ingestion process to accommodate these three new fields prior to August 23, 2024.

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