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New Compatibility Options for CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL

Nov 19, 2019


What’s New

Version 2 config with pipelines enabled will now automatically have the CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL injected into the job configuration. Previously, if you referenced CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL in a version 2 config, then turned on pipelines, it would disappear. This fixes that issue. For version 2.1 config we do not automatically inject CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL. Instead, we have exposed metadata about the pipeline for you to use more granularly. Mosts users end up parsing out CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL, so instead we did that work for you. In version 2.1 config you can now do the following:

version: 2.1
      CIRCLE_COMPARE_URL: << pipeline.project.git_url >>/compare/<< pipeline.git.base_revision >>..<<pipeline.git.revision>>

>Previous changes

Nov 18, 2019

Nov 18, 2019

Release 2.18.02    

Nov 15, 2019