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GitHub SSH key changes

Mar 02, 2022


What’s New

On March 15, 2022, GitHub will be changing which keys are supported in SSH and removing unencrypted Git protocol. As a result of this change, any image you have used in a job from a project created between November 2, 2021 and January 13, 2022 will require a version of OpenSSH greater than or equal to version 7.2.

CircleCI has updated the version of OpenSSH for supported machine images and next-generation Docker convenience images in anticipation of this breaking change.

To avoid pipeline failures on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, CircleCI recommends that if you are using deprecated Machine images or deprecated Docker convenience images, upgrade to a supported image. If upgrading an image is not possible, you can regenerate SSH keys for impacted projects to avoid pipeline failures on March 15, 2022.

For more information regarding this change and how to regenerate SSH keys, please refer to this support article.

>Previous changes

Mar 02, 2022

Mar 02, 2022

Release 3.3.1    

Feb 25, 2022

Feb 25, 2022

Express project setup