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UX Updates

Jun 11, 2021


What’s New

In order to improve the overall user experience, the following updates and changes have been made to the CircleCI user interface:

Show tag name on Job and Workflow page

The tag name is now displayed on the details section of the Job and Workflow page between the Executor and Commit listing.

Show failed test names on Pipelines page

Failed tests are now listed on the Pipelines page, below the job in which they failed. This helps you to see the details of a failure more quickly.

Allow test summaries to be collapsible

When uploading test XML files to our system, CircleCI parses these files into a test summary, which can sometimes make the result large and unwieldy. This update allows you to click a carrot arrow on the top left of the output section that will minimize it so you can get to the next issue faster.

Improved tooltip on job duration/finish time

The tooltip on the Pipelines, Workflows and Jobs page has been improved. Now, when you hover over the time a job was run, the information is displayed immediately. The time is now in the format: ““Started: [Day of week], Month Day, Year at xx:xx:xx PM UTC-X.”

Blue dot on test summary if not used

If you are not currently uploading test XML metadata to our system, you will see a small blue dot next to the Test Summary tab on the Job page that will disappear when clicked. Once on the Job page, an illustration is displayed along with links to the CircleCI documentation describing test summary functionality.

Filter by status on Pipelines page

When viewing the full list of pipelines, you may now filter that list by status of the pipelines (with failed, with no failed). This should help you find the build you are looking for more quickly.

Line numbers shown and linkable from step output page

When viewing the step output page, you can now see the line number of each step. You can also highlight a specific number and click to copy it if you want to share this step with another person. This improvement should help you receive help and resolve builds more quickly.

Toast pops up after rerunning with SSH

When you click “rerun with SSH” from the job page, a new SSH job will load. This may take a little longer than expected. In order to prevent any confusion, a small informational toast now appears in the bottom right stating “SSH job loading”.

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